Jan 21, 2007 10:05
Okay, so.. the first part is blurry, but me and my dad are somewhere and we find out something that we're not supposed to know or something. Next thing we know, there are people trying to kill us, and we barely survive a few drive by esque shootings aimed at us. Some sort of corporation or government group is after us, someone who can tap into wireless phones or something. So, through several instances of running the fuck away, we get home, and warn my mom, basically make her hide upstairs away from the windows. So if they come and shoot out our house, hopefully she will be okay and all.
So, next weird point. I log on to hiddenworld, for some strange reason, and talk to people, basically finding a non emo way of telling them i won't be around for a while, and might never come back. It was a strange sort of thing, but one of my odd worries is letting everyone i know online know if i've died. They should have an explanation why i'm suddenly not there, ja? Anyway, back to the dream. I decide if i'm going to die, i have to confess my undying love for David or something, who lives nearby. Except for one thing. He's now somehow related to the japanese emperor, although in my dream the word president is used and they have this mansion that is very similar to the white house, with tours and everything.
So I call him up or msn him, either way he knows i'm coming, and he comes out to get me out of the tour line and get inside. He shows me around a bit, since i hadn't been inside before or something, and we go to one of the semi private rooms, with this other girl, who is japanese. Of course, i can't bring myself to say anything in the presence of a third party, especially the way they act with eachother, which was vaguely uncomfortable yet incredibly familiar. I'm of course thinking the worst and totally crushed. Somehow it was a totally animeish moment. So, i rather hurridly leave, or something like that, because he sorta runs after me, and is trying to figure out why i'm acting, well really weird, and a car goes by.
I am at this point paranoid of someone coming and shooting me out of a car, and part of me going seems to have been to warn him that people were after me and my dad. So i grab him by the hand and pull him into some cover, and somehow in a rush of words all of the stuff i'd come to tell him comes out, and then we're suddenly kissing, and all is well, except the whole, people trying to kill me thing. The other girl thing gets explained, they're like cousins or something, and he tries to get me to hide out in the mansion or something, but i don't want to get him involved. Of course that didn't happen. And it's about there when i woke up, although i think the rest of the dream was us running from death together.
It was a weird dream.