May 18, 2006 22:20
So tonight was Micky D's annual 6 months meeting. Exciting, huh?? Anyway, most of the time they talked about what new promotions Micky D's will be starting. Supposedly starting this comming Tuesday we will be starting Snicker's McFlurries (excited about that one), chocolate dipped ice cream cones, and orange shakes. It's supposed to last up until July something. And then one of the crappy promotions is that we're supposedly having "Free Coffee Monday's". That to me sounds like a REALLY stupid idea because coffee's going to run out fast and we're not getting paid for it. And I mean, it's any size coffee and you don't have to buy anything to get it for free. Like they said anyone can get 6 large coffee's for free or anything like that. It's gonna be insane. Plus, we'll have to be CONSTANTLY filling our coffee pots & all that crap. I'm so glad I don't normally work on front line anymore in the Drive-Thru part where they hand out the food. I couldn't handle it, man. Maybe front line, but not Drive-Thru. Especially now that they have the server's put everything into the coffee. But anyway... Those are the new things that are happening w/ Micky D's. I thought they were gonna say something about this thing that one of the head managers told one of my managers about having some type of burrito thing w/ lettuce, mayo, etc in it along w/ McChicken. I thought they were gonna have that soon. I hope they have it. It sounds good. Anyway, also at the meeting we had a little prize give-a-way, but sadly I didn't win anything. We had little tickets stubs & they called off the #'s, and I was ONE AWAY two times! People won Micky D's shirts, sunglasses, and somethin' else. And then later they threw out Micky D's keychains. They don't throw one out at all in my direction so I had no chance of getting one. Oh well, maybe someday I'll get another hat pin or something. They should've gave away those too. Two people from my store won something. Dustin (the guy I sorta like(d)), and one of my managers, Jayson. I think those are the only people that one anything from my store. That's about all that went on besides them talking about other crap. Then at the end we had to do a survey. I spoke my mind about a couple of things.
So yah, that's what happened at the meeting! I worked today too. It went by semi fast. I learned how to grill the meat sorta. I mostly know how to do it now, but I don't like doing it. lol It's been raining off and on all day. It'll probably rain more tonight. It's been really crazy weather lately. I'm just glad it's supposed to be pretty warm & mostly sunny this weekend.
Yesterday I was off & it was sunny almost all day except for early afternoon there was a rain shower, but the it cleared up again. During the day my mom & I went to Wild Birds Unlimited where we got a bluebird house because there's bluebirds trying to build a nest in our mailbox, so hopefully they will see this & use it. We also have feeders in our backyard for any kind of bird. We've been getting quite a few goldfinches & housefinches. They eat from the finch sock, though. And then we have a Cardinal, sparrows, doves, blackbirds, etc. I like watching the birds. Maybe soon I will post some of the pics we've taken. Oh yah, we also get Ducks and we get their baby duckies. They're so cute! But one sad thing happened w/ that because the other day we found a dead baby duck right by our deck. We have no idea how it died.
Anyway, so that's been what's goin' on w/ me mostly. I have to work all this weekend, but luckily Sunday I only have to work 11-3. I work up until Wednesday. I hope I can survive. I'll be off all next weekend though because I asked for the weekend off & then I asked for like Thursday off to make sure I have a day in there where I get a break. Next weekend is the Vincennes randevous so we're goin' to that. I really hope it's good weather!
Well, I guess I've run out of things to say. So adios!