Feb 28, 2009 23:01
- 23:33 @ perfectdistance: I know, right? It's the most fun to spork EVER. #
- 23:33 @ perfectdistance: on the plus side, the actual sinking is appropriately epic and horrifying, but the romance bits...? Not so much. #
- 00:39 New book review: so entrecard market is interesting tinyurl.com/bxtk7p #
- 00:39 New book review: neil gaiman: sandman (vol. 6, fables and reflections) tinyurl.com/bt6aco #
- 19:41 @ the_anachronist: well, I don't know how much you've saved from your job (...er. do you have a bank account yet?) but Dell Outlet is cheap #
- 20:52 Man, Boyd Langdon in Dollhouse sure has big man-boobs for somebody who's not overweight. #
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