Also because most of these went in my Random Stuff folder and I only just realized that for some reason, privacy settings kept said folder invisible to everyone but me and those in the UAA network (which is to say, virtually all y'all). So...I don't know what was up with that.
I'm pulling these right from Facebook, so I'm actually not positive if they can be seen by someone who doesn't have Facebook--it might tell you that you don't have permission? Not sure. If that happens tell me and I'll fix it.
Okay, well, for starters, I'm not sure if I've ever talked about these before so here are some awesome things
piratecatarina made me for the last couple Birthdaymasentines:
Annnd me with my Christmas loot. Just...because:
My car smells nasty whenever it isn't cold, and I'm not sure why, so when I found a TARDIS air freshener at this shop in Norwich, I had to have it. So now there's a baby TARDIS on my dash. It is awesome.
Yes. I am a nerd. This is my backpack and it is covered with pins from almost all the interesting places I have ever been (Florida, Turkey, England, France, Poland, Scotland, Barrow, Philadelphia, the Science Fiction Hall of Fame), plus some others for some of the bands I saw live (well...just Coldplay and Guillemots, looks like; I had one for Codes in the Clouds but apparently it fell off, which is sad).
I had some extra fairy lights I got cheap and one string of special ones that were not cheap, and I finally put them up not to long ago (a couple more on Facebook, although none show it very well):
Aaaand the geekiest thing of all:
This is not completely accurate because I finally got my Angel action figure, after I ordered him Feb. 1, so now he's standing in the back with his sword, all tall and looming, because he's like two inches taller than Ten. Also his legs don't move, which is strange, and Ten points this out whenever Angel makes fun of him for being short. (The girls are getting along pretty well, however, possibly because this is "Year That Wasn't" Martha, and possibly because I find the whole jealousy subplot stupid so whatever.) For what it's worth, the TARDIS is a bank, so nobody can go in it (same for the British phone booth), but the size is perfect.
...also, ignore the thick coating of dust. That's far from the messiest bit of my room at the moment. >_< I'm debating whether I should go work on that more and listen to a Catch-22 audiobook so I can multitask with schoolwork, or get some e-mails sent, or do some other reading, or post on here or, or something. In...the hour I have left before bed. The most likely is that I'll faff around online and accomplish nothing. Yay.