Inspired by the pictures of Heechul crying during Super Show II In Beijing...
Title : Don't cry, beautiful
Pairing : Close Friendship!Hanchul & Sihan if you really want to see where I implied them
Rated : G
Disclaimer: As much as I would like it, they're not mine
It was so hard... )
off to find the shihan =D
oh just this....I'll never forgive myself? haha just wondering /gets bricked
ilu <3
awww luv you too~~~
(oh, dammit, I caught Geng's habit ¬¬)
hehehe /is giddy
geng is awesome like that <3
(I can't do only angst, people will think I don't like Sihan XD)
clearly i have to concept of timezones lol
Im so glad that you have inspiration cuz i don't *sigh* ah well I'll just stalk you instead =D
spot me? /puppy dog eyes
You can stalk all you like, I love it, but now let ME be the stalker and log on, I really want you to read that fic and I can't post it yet, I still have stuff to get right before doing it =_= pleaaaaase?
um ill just go wait silently until you post it /turns into a creeptastic stalker
i don't ship hanchul, but hanchul friendship is sweet and beautiful and this. gahhh my heart ached.
seriously i almost teared after looking at photos of leeteuk and chul and hae crying and kyu singing and looking like he's about to die and siwon tearing up and akjdfasldkjflas
We Canadians always get the news during the night XD so either I see them because I went to bed really late (and this causes me to go to bed even later XD), or I have an heart attack when I wake up...
i swear i saw geng's contract thing just before bed and then i didnt sleep at all =(
i was so depressed over the pictures esp the teuk and hae one that i just stopped cuz i didnt want to see kyu or wook crying...
Good thing my friend got me out of the house O.O I spent nearly 5 days depressing and refreshing all news pages I knew in order to see if we had something new, I lived for that...
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