Jul 30, 2009 15:37
Holy shit, I so totally forgot about this blog. I was cleaning out some folders on my yahoo and came across the confirmation email for this and yeah.. started reading through all of the old entries and sat back going holy shit.. Talk about a walk down memory lane. Remember ex's and old friends and just wow.. So I guess seeing this is a journal I might as well update it a lil huh?
Well to start off I ended up keeping my daughter, she's now 3 and i named her Aubree Jade.. She's a total cutie..
Lets see... I've gone through a slew of relationships that have failed both on my part and on theirs.. Umm moved more times than I care to count, worked jobs I'd rather forget and yeah.. I've lived.. Thats pretty much all I'm going to write simply because to try an catch up on 3 years of things would just take too damn long.. So how about this.. I'll either try to kep the thing up to date or I'll just close it out finally for good..
I still have some of the friends that are mentioned in the entries but alot of them I have simply lost touch with.. Kind of sad really because some of them were truely wonderful people.. But I guess thats just the way life goes huh? So I guess yeah.. If any of my old friends still read this, feel free to contact me.. It'd be a trip to catch up on how things have been... Until later...