So today I was in my vector class when I was talkin to my insturctor about things I need to fix on my latest assigment. She told be only couple things need to be changed and then she asked me if it would be alright for her to submit it to the upcomeing art show. I so freaking surpised because she and I have had our differences (she basiclly a female version of Al for those of you who know what I'm talking about) So yeau, I'm going to be in my first art show...
I'm so freaking happy!
I've been trying to get into some of the more resent show but something always seems to get in the way. Being that I graduate in a couple semster I need to start getting my work out there, so this is hopefully that start of something good ^_^
In other news theres going to be a speaker from Pixer at school tomorrow and I'm dieing to see him BUT I have class during the time he's speaking, yeah delema...well until I told my mother and she said that yeah the Pixer guy is more important then one class, so it looks like after and e-mail to my instructor I'm going to be seeing him after all!!!
I'm a happy girl lol
But yeah other then start to last bit of work on my kick butt finals there not much else to talk about.
So until next time
Ja ne
PS: If I don't get to it later HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: For those who like to see what being summited take a look at my
DeviantArt site.