Dec 30, 2011 18:03
In a book I once read, they called the days between Christmas and New Years the 'Dead Days'. Now I have never seen that as a bad description of them. My mother things is horrible and told me off when I brought it up as a child, but I think that it doesn't even have a bad implication. It just means that these are the days when I read all night and talk to my dog about said books when I do wake up (when its no longer morning). And you know what? It's heaven. I adore this time.
So, while being lazy, as I said, I have read a lot. I finished my book by historian Niall Ferguson called Virtual History which is a collection of essays by respected historians who say "what if this had or hadn't happened, there by changing this event". I really enjoyed it, since it gave me several ideas for historical alternative fiction. There is genre number 1. Then I read Sarah Water's Fingersmith, which was as good as I'd hoped, though I still prefer Affinity, which I read over the summer, because Affinity was just so emotionally evoking I felt drained after I read it. However, reading Fingersmith gave me an idea for just a bog-standard historical fiction (genre number 2), probably short story.
Then I played with my sims and rewarched season 5 and 6 of Doctor Who while reading Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451 (no one tell me anything: I haven't quite finished yet). A combination of these influences spawned TWO different plot bunnies, though I would say they can be categorized under the same genre, namely Science Fiction.
and lastly, thanks to Robin Hobb's Soldire Son Trilogy which I highly recommend, especially for people who don't generally like fantasy for the ease with which Hobb constructs an alien universe and yet makes it seem familiar to the reader. She's just awesome, because she constructs such a believable character, who not only doesn't really understand what is happening around him (leaving the reader in the dark) though still describing everything. She's made me want to construct my Fantasy trilogy, which has been gathering dust in the corner. So what out, my RaTs buddies, because I come wielding fantasy! :D
And so, in conclusion, over the holidays I have gathered plot bunnies and read a lot of books, which leaves me regenerated for next year. And, let's not forget my sims. They were pretty important too :P
Happy New Year Guys! :)
random life stuff