Scooby Gang - My Friends (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
It's my first vid made in Ulead Video Studio. I'm not proud of it because I used too many effects. I had to try everything ;) Vid is about friendship. Characters: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, Tara, Dawn, Anya, Cordelia, Faith, Spike, Angel.
Pierwszy teledysk, który zrobiłam przy pomocy Ulead Video Studio. Nie jestem z niego dumna gdyż nadużyłam efektów. Musiałam spróbować wszystkiego ;) Klip jest o przyjaźni. Postacie: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles, Tara, Dawn, Anya, Cordelia, Faith, Spike, Angel.
My friends are so depressed
I feel the question
Of your loneliness
Confide... `cause Ill be on your side
You know I will, you know I will
X girlfriend called me up
Alone and desperate
On the prison phone
They want... to give her 7 years
For being sad
Chorus :
I love all of you
Hurt by the cold
So hard and lonely too
When you dont know yourself
My friends are so distressed
And standing on
The brink of emptiness
No words... I know of to express
This emptiness
Chorus :
Imagine me taught by tragedy
Release is peace
I heard a little girl
And what she said
Was something beautiful
To give... your love
No matter what