Things that make me HAPPY!
- Tim 1/2 nekkid, that's ALWAYS a good thing!
- Billy & the mom as a couple! YAY! I've wanted that since she showed up last season.
- Aaron as Landry's dad. Him seeing Tyra leaving was HILARIOUS! Him going to Applebee's was so cute.
- Coach with Grace, so adorable!
- Awkward, yet gentlemanly Matt. The Matt/Coach interaction this season has been brief, but wonderful.
- SMASH!!! Ahhh, cocky, assy & arrogant, I love him no matter what. So happy to have more of The Smash. I am kinda wondering what happened with him & Waverly, or the Wavealash.
- Smash & Matt. I am sad to see them not tight like they were last season, but I also think it's understandable. I think it will work out, but them having scenes together made me so happy.
- FoundJesusLyla! I'm weird, I know, but I adore the Lyla found God storyline. It manages to walk a line between hilarious and quite real very well.
- Herc & all the crazy quad rugby guys. I've missed them.
- "I don't want Glen handling my wife's icebox!" Oh, how I've missed Coachisms. We got a little last week, but this week was much better.
- Tim & Buddy - giddiness, enough said.
- Tim going to church! OMG, so much adoration!
- Buddy scheming again! Heee!
- FOOTBALL! Oh how I've missed it!
- MamaSmash!!!!! I flove her!
- Coach in jeans & the wrinkled white button down lurking at the game, holy HOTNESS! KC looked way too pretty in that scene. GUH!
- STREET & RIG!!! OMG, I love them roadieing to Mexico. Way too hilarious. And while I know it's not going to go anywhere good, I'm glad to see Jason questioning if what he's been told is exactly what is. That's Jason, or the one before the accident.
- Tami's wacked out hair on the couch, just so perfectly normal and wonderful.
- Buddy & Eric at the end, I was squeeling, so fantastical!
When the episode began with Tyra & Landry, I groaned, but this was the episode I'd been waiting for. It felt like the show I fell madly in love with last season. Every single minute of it was absolutely perfect. Just, yeah, that was Friday Night Lights.
I still hate the whole Tyra/Landry murder storyline, but for the most part I could ignore it. What Tyra said to Landry's dad is a valid reason for them to have actually gotten together with out the dumping the body & manslaughter storyline. But, ultimately, episodes like this are exactly why I fell madly in love with this show and bugged everyone I know to watch it.
ETA ~ One thing I'm very much looking forward to is when The Swede meets The Hair. That's going to be popcorn worthy! This one I will be rewatching, first one this season, even though they're all saved.