Snagged from...everyone. It's not easy to think about my own writing, and what are my favorites, since they're all my babies. But I think these are the ones I'm most proud of.
- Christmas Cards, Without a Trace, Sam/Martin/Jack. I really like this, it was kinda experimental as far as writing goes when I wrote it. Also, I was finding my voice as a writer still. It also is the first multi-parter I finished, which was a big deal, at the time.
- Phoenix, Alias, Syd/Vaughn (for the most part). My first real effort at fic, and my great unfinished epic. I loved the concept. I read some of it now and cringe, but I really didn't know what I was doing, rusty doesn't even begin to fit the bill. I was a babe in the woods. I'm still really proud of it, though. Many times I wish I would/could finish it, but I also know that's not happening. I'm forever grateful to simone10 for helping me out on it. I do wonder if I'd had a beta how much better it might have been.
- Symmetry, Gilmore Girls, Lorelai - Logan/Rory. I think this was my first real foray into 2nd person, present tense, which has become my thing. I'm not sure how I ended up there, but it fit the piece and really opened up my writing, I think. Also, this is mostly Lorelai, my making sense of what happened in Partings, from the angle of Logan being so much like her. As I'm not a L/L or C/L shipper, nor even a big Lorelai fan it was a challenge, and I really love how it turned out.
- She - A Working Title, Gilmore Girls, Rory/Logan. This and the final entry are the two things I'm most proud of. I don't know what possessed me to write this, or why I chose to go this direction. It's nerdy fic for Rory & Logan, which really isn't done for them, and it's AU, not something I even like really, much less write. But I think I really wrote something special here, explored a side of their, here potential, relationship that was unique and wonderful. I impressed myself, which is very hard to do. And I'm uber proud of it.
- House Hunting, Gilmore Girls, Rory/Logan. This was probably the easiest thing I've ever written. It had been rolling around in my head for, I think, months; when I finally wrote it, it just came to me. 13,000 + words in about 3 days. Very little editing was required, even. Like with S-AWT, I'm super proud of this, and I think with those two pieces I really managed to grow, mature & reach a new height as a creative writer. All my R/L GG stuff I also have to credit being-fulfilled because she is a phenomenal beta & cheerleader.
Honorable Mention
- Apple Tarts & Tequila Shooters, Gilmore Girls, Lorelai/Finn. Sounds crazy, the pairing, but I love this story. Probably the most angsty thing I've ever written, outside of some chapters of Phoenix, but it really gave me insight into Lorelai. I really, really like it, and am pretty proud of it.
This does remind me I need to get crackin' on my never finished, really ever started, new fic site with
jenahville &
Oh, and as a side note, fandom is wack, yo! Sometimes I wonder why I put up with it, but then I realize, there are parts of it I love.