Aug 18, 2006 15:43
- I lost my phone. If you've tried to get ahold of me the last couple of days, I have no clue. I will be getting a new one tomorrow, and then have to reconstruct my phonelist. Fortunately I saved most of it in my blackberry, so I think I'll be alright.
- I finished watching BSG 2.0 last night. And....I'm very much feeling PILOT love right now. Why did they have to go so completely frak it up in 2.5? There's cute locker room interaction, campfire songs, hand porn, physical violence, flirting, etc. I really do like Lee and Kara both through the Res duo. After that they introduce the doom of true love, which I like Anders, but it just does not fit, and the wackiness of Black Market, and the Lee/Dee previousLIES, and lose me completely. I never really got into them completely as a 'ship, but I did really like both characters. I don't so much anymore.
- Speaking of Lee, and more specifically FatLee, if you haven't seen Jamie & the Fat Man, OMG RUN! So frelling funny! Poor Jamie!
- I hate Gaius's hair in 2.0 though. His hair is cut like a girl's in the first half of s2, IMO. It gets all swafty, fluffy, and pretty in 2.5.
- I so wish there were more Gaius/Six fic, or Gaius/Gina. At least those of you that ship PILOTS have stuff to choose from.
- work = existance, I will be happy once the weather begins to cool.
- I'm very much so looking forward to SG-1 tonight. I'm resigning myself, so I don't get my hopes up, to no leather sightings, but I know I will jump out of my skin if they let Ben & Claudia don the black leather of prettiness!
- I added Finn/Lorelai or Lorelai/Finn to my interests, just like with Lorelai/Jason I am alone in my love. Though somehow I have a feeling I might prompt a couple of people to join me in my debauchery by announcing this!
- I decided the other night while writing AT&TS that I really do think Rory & Logan are getting engaged this season. I've kinda played with the idea and liked it, thought it might happen because of Rory supposed to be more tradition bound than Lorelai, but couldn't come up with a real reason for them to do it dramatically. I did the other night. To provide a juxtapose to Lorelai's downfall. HAHA, it's perfect.