I'm really curious as to what someone like
being_fulfilled will think of this show. She's not watched a ton, I don't think, of fannish/culty types of shows. Because I wanted to like it more than I did. I'm planning on watching the second half of the pilot before deciding what I think, but this isn't must see to me, at least not yet. I know a lot of it is that having watched very 'fannish' types of shows for years, Dark Angel, La Femme Nakita, Alias, BSG, Lost, Veronica Mars, Farscape...the list probably could go on, even 24, but I'm used to good writing combined with very high production values, editing, cinematography, etc., and a breakneck pace. This has some of that, but not all, and it's a bit dark, or bland, color wise. BSG's a very dark show, but it's still gorgeous. It's very much a JJ Abrams - VBR homage, musical montaging, characters w/ internal angst, GREG FRELLING GRUNBERG, one very big geek, w/o some of the wit of JJ, which to me is one of the strengths of Alias, where their tongue is always slightly inserted in their cheeks and the audience knows that. This is a bit too earnest to me.
I liked some of the characters, but none jumped out at me. The flying thing was intersting and kinda fun. I'm going to reserve judgement till I see the entire pilot, but as of now, it's a definate maybe.
carrielh has some links to a couple of hilarious Farscape related YouTube clips. If that's your thing.- I think I've definately decided to watch some BSG this weekend along with some Farscape. It's kinda amusing to me that I've had my S1 dvds since they came out in September and never listened to any of the commentaries, no RDM crack for me! Write the show, and shut the hell up!