If you don't watch My Name Is Earl, you should. Tonight, that was funny stuff! The fist of karma! *giggle*
BSG tomorrow! WooT! Ok well kinda tomorrow.
I'm mostly making this post to thank scout27 for indulging my whims. I found a couple of pretty Pride & Prejudice mood themes today and she let me use her domain to switch mine for a bit. I know I'll end up switching back, I'll miss my prettyful John & Aeryn one, but for now sci-fi & 18th century England reside side by side in my journal. It makes perfect sense to me, they're my favorite couples from tv & literature. I really would have preferred the Lizzy & Darcy one from the miniseries, Colin as Mr. Darcy = le sigh, but the full cast one from the movie had nicer picture icons. If you haven't seen the new movie, do so, it's wonderful!