
Sep 17, 2008 22:22

Pretty Fit shoe sale at a warehouse in Expo area today. Totally cheap and good quality shoes! I bought 4 pairs for only $23 TOTAL! They were going for like $5 to $10 each. And not those filmsy types either! I mwan good store type quality shoes. Ahhhh major bargain!!! *~is happy~*

Work has been...tedious to say the least. 2 of my managers aren't really easy to deal with sometimes(i dubbed them Witch and Monster). At times i really felt like either quitting, strangling them, or jumping off the roof. Haha! When shit hits, it really hits bad. So dun ever think that working for MNCs is really all that great or glamarous. You never know the amt of pure crap u have to deal with behind the scene.

I won't go into details abt horrible managers. I'm sure most jobs will have a few of those. But the work scope is so...so...ugh! After this job, i hope to never handle so many excel sheets ever again!!!

I have missed updating alot of things haven't I? I've missed the olympics(great opening ceremony), missed the whole hurricane incident, missed the US Open(Nadal lost! Boo!), and now the upcoming thing is the F1 race. Hmmm...well haven't felt like updating and i have no life after starting work. Keke...other than the occasional outings.

Inspiration has been lacking to do anything to my LJ. Does that have to do with aging? Ugh! I need a change of scenery!
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