Updates from uni!

Dec 08, 2006 23:41

Just got back from dinner with Ivy and Adr and i just wanna say, THANK GOD i didn't flunk Biz Finance!!!!!!!!!

We had dinner at Bakerz Inn(it's a convenient one-stop place for food and cakes) and they updated me with news of who cleared all and who flunked stg. I heard that at least 2 girls that we noe of have flunk their finance paper. Omg i tot that if nobody fail that, then i was worrying for nothing. But to hear that there are ppl who didn't make it, it was like a wake up call wat a close shave i had. Those poor girls have to delay their grad(which means they won't grad with us) or choose to take an extra subject next sem which will be pretty heavy. I'm happy to hear that most of my frens cleared the sem so will be seeing them all next week.

Not so good news, apparently there's gonna be a shit-load of projs next yr so...buahahahah good luck to us. Lots of GROUP projs too. Shit i can just smell the conflicts. =_=

Oh yes, b4 i forget i need to recc the Strawberry Shortcake at Bakerz Inn as it is to DIE FOR! The cream is absolutely heavenly. Now I'm more of a chocolate fan and i had the warm choc cake with delish oozing chocolate in the middle, but even then i still think the strawberry cake that adr had was better. So next time, do try that out if u go there. :P

After dinner we just walked around and i saw loads of make-up products that i want! Ooohhh shiny make up! ^_^ I got updated with alot of the girls' issues like where they went during the hols, their bf problems, their plans for after grad blah blah. Typical stuff except it's so exciting to think where to go after we grad. I'm soooooo praying to have enuf for Japan but we'll have to see. Ahhhhhhh i wanna go there! That Bai Li does not noe how lucky she is that her dad's rich enuf to send her there with enuf cash to splurge around. Ughhhhh rich ppl just dun noe the meaning of being broke. Hahaha! They sometimes SAY that they're broke and have to save but frankly, there's no need for that. :P

Yes i'm envious. Can you tell? LOL!

uni peeps, shopping

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