It's a mushroom world after all!

Sep 05, 2006 15:33

Yeahhh i had a good time after class today, which was much needed after the utterly lame lesson today. I'm telling you, leadership classes are bs. There's not really alot for the lecturer to teach cos most of the stuff you have to read up on ur own. Guuhhh what's the point then?

Anywaez, i went out with some uni peeps for dinner at this placed in OG called the "Mushroom Pot". Basically it serves lots of mushroom dishes and the steamboat soup is mushroom based. The food was alright, the soup's not bad, but it's the ppl there that made it fun. Say Chuan, Ivy, Adr, Bridger, and Kang Wei went. Li and her sis didn't come, which was a pity. But i still enjoyed myself nonetheless.

We had 2 cars so Adr and Ivy sat in Say Chuan's car while i was with Kang Wei. I tell you, Kang Wei is hilarious. He's a joker sort of guy and likes to BURP alot! Man, that guy can burp on command! It's amazing in a really gross way. Lol! Yeah immaturish sorta fun but harmless rite? It was really funny talking to him cos he craps alot and he likes to burst into cantonese songs, plus he drools and exclaims about good food like a kid. ^_^

Then at the restaurant, we had a blast. These guys dun hold back their words. They will say all the vulgarities in all the dialects while talking. Hahaha it's really funny to hear the hokkien ones cos hokkien curses are by far, one of the most vulgar out of all the dialects. LOL can you imagine what it sounds like, a table of youngsters all sprouting such words left and right. Older people might get a stroke.

My fav was when there was this discussion about testicles(dun ask me how it got started...somehow there was alot of sex topics today) and whether if a guy gets vasectomy(sp?), will he still be able to "stand". And they were saying sperm and semen are different things etc etc...then suddenly ivy made the most incredulous comment:

Ivy(to Kang Wei): Ehhh if you have no gf now, how can it 'stand'?

I was staring at her thinking wtf? You mean you think that guys are such innocent creatures that can only get horny when there's girls to service them??? Hello, you have a bf for 6 yrs! You probably have done alot of things which i dun wanna noe, and she's still so naive? LOL! I wonder if it's an act.

Kang Wei: Eh, bo ji mmm hai kia bui ki. [Translated in a poilte term, it means it doesn't mean it can't 'stand' without a woman.]

I almost spat out my soup at that comment! It was really funny the way he said it in fluent hokkien. Hahahaha! Such a good one! And the guys admit to owning porn! Wow such honest guys...i salute them! Please we all noe that most guys have some form of porn(be it physical or in the PC), so if you can admit it like it's no big deal like these 2, it calls for respect. I'm not saying i encourage porn(dislike it) but since it can't be help, i dislike those guys that denies and act innocent even more!

*Ahem* Yes i have whacky frens. After dinner, we headed to Starbucks for drinks and chatted somemore. Interesting topics pop up everywhere. Seems the guys have way too many stories about hitting animals while driving. Gross! And sad to say that half of the group are racist. I won't elaborate on that cos it's touchy. Then they had to touch on ghost stories. Ehhhhh my hair is still standing thinking abt it. ::shudder::

Lastly, Say Chuan gave me a lift to AMK mrt. Guys with cars are soooo convenient. Hahahaha i'm so evil!

uni peeps, dinner

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