Zhi Char and sour crab!

Jul 18, 2006 21:15

Woohoo today is zhi char day!! For those who dunno, zhi char is a dinner where you order lots of "big" dishes and share with a big group of ppl. At least, that's my definition. LOL! Initally it was supposed to be a group of 15 ppl going after class today, but it shrank till 9. Still it was pretty fun! Other than the usual ivy, adr, li and KX, there were other ppl i'm not too familiar with -- Kang Wei, Say Chuan, Zoe and Jian Da. But they were so funny! The guys are really friendly, craps alot and we had a blast chatting.
Altho the food leaves much to be desired. The standard is...so-so. Let's see, we had chilli crab(not nice!), hot plate tou fu, oat prawns, kang kong, fried you tiao, sambal sting ray and guiness stout pork ribs. Yeah it all sounds nice rite, but it's really so-so. Still with good company, we can accept it. Hahaha! And after our dinner, say chuan was sooo nice to give me a lift to YCK mrt! Wow! Cos most of the rest live in the east or the west side, and i'm basically the only north-er. And he was really nice to just drop me there and it's ALOT easier than taking the damn train all the way back. Plus his car is comfy. Hahaha! I could snooze in it. ^_^

Today in class, i did a little experiment on suguna to confirm whether she's really throwing a fit at us. I deliberately sat beside her(li and KX didn't want to and were egging me on to do it) and gave her a nice enthusiastic Hello!!! She barely glanced at me, gave a very curt "hey" and then switched places with jolene immediately!!! The 3 of us were so stunned! I gave them a shock look before deciding to ignore her and chat with the rest. Aiyoyo i guess this friendship with her is really finito. Guh!

Oh and i caught Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yst and...it's really disappointing. No doubt it is entertaining(altho alot of slapstick sorta humour), but it really doesn't live up to the first one. The plot is super super wavy, too many exaggerated and weird things happened(i won't spoil it for you), and the only thing i enjoyed was watching Johnny Depp swagger. I swear he makes a damn fine gay man. Hahahaha! Oh and those who watched it knows wat i'm talking about but...I'm damn pissed at Kiera Knightly for doing THAT with him!!!!!! Noooo get away from him b**** he's mine!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

And does anyone get the joke about Singapore in the movie??? It feels weird to hear them mention us. I get what they're saying in the 2nd movie but it was a reference joke to the first movie, and i didn't get the joke in the first one. Something about corset and coming to Singapore? What? Whatttt?

But Johnny Depp is welcome here anytime. Ooohhh pls come. *winkwink*

uni peeps, food, movie

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