(no subject)

Jul 10, 2006 00:22

Guuuhh i can't believe it's taking me over 2 hours to do this cosplay entry, but i'm doing a double one because there's simply too many pictures to be squish into one post.

Okay lots of Bleach pics coming up!

There are lots of groups playing Bleach and this is one of them. I saw too many different Byakuyas running around. That's Yoruichi(or Soifong), one of the Byakuya, and another Aizen.

Urahara!!!!!!! Hahahaha aiyah why must he cover his mouth??? That hat is so cute!

Gin and his fukutaichou, Kira-kun. Okay, Gin is one of the easiest anime character to draw, but one of the hardest to cosplay out because in the anime his eyes are always close and he has this freakishly wide smile on his face! How the hell can a human face mimick that! Oh and this is the Gin that was drinking from a BK cup too! LOL!

Omg loook look!!! Captain number 12!!!!!!!! Dammit i can never remember his name, except he's the manica scientist one! When we were posing, his hat thing kept poking into my head and i had to keep shuffling away from it! Wowww look at Ishida's(far right) pose!!!!!! Sooooo alike the anime!!!!!!!! Pity this pic didn't show the Quincy bow he had.

More taichous! The new one beside me is Ukitake taichou. I swear that i did move around, but all my SAME POSES makes it look like i just cut my pic out and paste it beside them! WTFFF!!!!

Another Hitsugaya! I told his to do a killing pose! Hahahahaha! We do like our killing stances. Either that or i like to die alot. ROFL!!!!!!!

Erm i think he's supposed to be Ichigo? Or is he Ichigo's sword? Ahhhh can't tell! I'm very blur one but look at that BIG ASS SWORD OF HIS! With that pose, he had to lean the sword on my shoulders as well and it was HEAVY i tell you! Hahaha!

See what i mean when i say BIG ASS? He was nice enuf to loan me the sword for this pose! I just HAD to grab at it! Ooof not easy to pose with it man! BTW that's Shunsui taichou(we call him the flowery captain for obvious reasons), and a Hollow! Wahahaha i should've done a killing stance on HIM!

One of the more convinving Chad. This guy even has the character of Chad cos he's sooo shy!!!! He was so shy to take a pic with me and i had to drag him and say 'aiyahhh just take one lah'. Hehehe the hair looks alike. And he's tall enuf. ^_^ I saw alot of short Ichigos. It would look embarrassing to pose beside them(me looking like a lamp post).

ZOMG Don Konanji!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaa! I'm sorry i look so spastic here but doing his pose with him made me laugh alot. He REALLY acts like the character!!! His speech, the way he goes into his Bwhahahahaha, it's very very very very GOOD! Wah lao eh, wonder how long he took to practise those flamboyant speeches. ^_^

More Naruto piccys. Extra characters but strangly, of all the Naruto cosplayers i saw, i didn't see one person playing Naruto himself!!! Hey what happen to the lead character??? I saw Kakashi, Sasuke, Sasuke's brother, other charas i dunno yet. Aw man, i wish there was a Gai Sensei! I would've done his hilariously gay pose with him!!

I am gonna guess that they are from the anime Trinity Blood, but since i haven't watch it yet, i can't confirm. But look at their costumes. Really nice neh?

They are from the manga Vampire Knights which is gaining popularity here. I'm sure there will be an anime out soon. I like this manga alot but unfortunately it's been licensed so scanlations are hard to come by. =_=

This is Kenpachi. You can't see his hair clearly but he did have those pointy spikes with bells at the end. Dammit i should've tried to pluck one of them! Of cos that would risk getting slain by the fierest and most crazy-ass taichou of all.

One of the Bleach group photo.

I think this is another one. Erm...there were so many Bleach charas there that i lost track.

Okay this is the weirdest thing i've ever saw. Pink Power Ranger pointing a gun at Jack Sparrow, who's pointing a gun at a Star Wars clone, who's pointing a gun at....


Whoaaaaaaaaaa Aliens!!!!! Or is it Predator?????? I always mix up those 2 ever since that idiotic Alien vs Predator movie.

Wow funky band! I'm not sure who are they cosplaying as. Could be for a game. But so pretty and colorful!

Okay you see you see??!! What i mean by Ouran Host Club BL?? This is supposed to be a shoujo manga(as in hetero r/s) but they're making it into BL!!! Well noooooooooo complaints from me! Hahaha! Pair on left is supposed to be Mori-Senpai and Honey-kun Senpai, and on the left doing a TOTALLY AUTHENTIC BL SMEX POSE are Hikaru and Kaoru the twins. Now i totally SHIP the twins BL! Twincest they call it! Hehehe guilty as charged!

And you won't believe what's going on at the foot of this picture...

Hahahaha!!! Wthh man! Tamaki and Kyouya!!!! Kyouya is the other fav chara of mine next to the twins. I like them cunning and sadistic and when he takes off his glasses(like in one epi of the anime)...*nosebleeeeed*!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could drool in my sleep. Altho i do feel like kicking his ass at time for being...an ass. Yeah...^_^

The whole Ouran group. Strangly enough, all of them are supposed to be cosplaying boys but only the one playing Mori-Senpai is really a guy. Hahaha!

Random cosplayer but whoaaaaaaaaa lookit that sexy outfit! So revealing! I'm unfamiliar with the character she's playing but i gotta give her props for having so much guts to reveal that much!!! Lots of guys were after her picture tho...hehehe...no surprise. :)
There were other very revealing cosplayers as well but i din take their pics...not sure who they're cosplaying as.

Another random pic. I think these 3 are random cosplayers...i dun think their outfit is from an anime. Or they could be j-rocker cosplayers, and i'm totally clueless about that category. But their outfits are so elaborated that i just had to take this pic.

Last but not least, the rose i got from my Ouran Princes. Hehehe! It's dying by the time i got home, so one last pic for memory.

Okay that's the end of my Cosfest outing! I had a super fun time and i'm totally beat! Ahhh some of my pics are blurry so i hope to be able to find other ppl who uploads their pics at this event as well. Yeah yeah! Sorry to those who miss out but there'll be other times ya?

Okay officially took over 3 hours to finish uploading all these and updating into journal. Dead tired now...need rest...

pics, cosfest 2006

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