Indiv proj over! I'm dead now!

Aug 15, 2005 20:30

Ahhhhh my MOR indiv essay is finally over!!! I'm sooo shagged! I had barely an hour sleep last night. I was up till 6 a.m. this morning rushing to finish my essay. Yes it's a flipping record. Stayed online the whole night doing it. And it was so stressful cos some ppl online had finished and it just sucks to hear that they're done while i'm not. Well i got the impression that mostly everyone had finished theirs and i was one of the few who had dragged her ass till the very last min.

Woke up at 7 plus, which was easy and hard at the same time. Hard because it sucks to leave my lovely bed just when i was starting to relax into sleep. Easy becasue my body didn't have enuf time to go into a deep sleep mode, so i could just pop rite out like i haven't slept at all.

Surprisingly i managed to survive the day. With a bottle of Brands Essence Chicken and some coffee during break, i didn't sleep during the lect. Woot! Oh and loads of ppl weren't there. Haha turns out there were quite a few who are probably rushing to finish the proj at home and they'll either attend the afternoon lesson or not attend at all. Wow! The reason i stayed up the whole nite to finish it was cos firstly, i didn't want to go for the afternoon lesson cos that's just more tiring to me. And secondly, i didn't think i would've been able to sleep last nite worrying about the essay. I would've probably stressed myself to death in bed.

The moment lesson ended, i just took my essay, dumped it into the teacher's locker and hurried out of the school. It wasn't until i was on the train ride back that i got really tired and my eyes felt soooo heavy. It was a drag walking home. Ughh!

I spent so much time editing, cutting down on words, writing the damn references which killed me, that i'm sick of essays now. Get them away from me!!! I was supposed to do some other projs today but i fell asleep in the afternoon and i'm still very tired now. Just to update to show you the day of a last min person. Hai~~~ doodles! Ooohh creativity. LoL! It sucks but i just felt like practicing character design. *Dies at the horrible proportions*
Oooh i should draw more of the guy in the top middle. If you're wondering about the lines, he's actually supposed to be a zombie, so those are sewn on different parts of body. Hehe!

art, project

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