Snatched this from
blackbird013 Sorry. :P
A - Age you are now: 20
B - Band listening to right now: Frou Frou
C - Crush: Famous: Jet Li, Stephen Chow *faints* Real life: hmm that's something i shall have to keep to myself. :X
D - Dad's name: John
E - Easiest person to talk to: myself i suppose
F - Favorite artists at the moment: Donato ( Amy Brown (
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: neither
H - Hometown: Queens, NY
I - Instruments: bass guitar, violin, flute, trombone, a lil piano, a lil drums, and some clarinet
J- Junior High: Wellcome Middle School (named by Burroughs Wellcome pharmaceutical plant that was across the street--i'm serious)
K - Kids: 0
L - Longest car ride ever: well i guess a bus would could count too?? NC to NYC
M - Mom's name: Dana
N - Nicknames: jill, lars, lady lydalia, firelilly, snowflower, zorak (yes, zorak)
O - One wish: To have a #1 Bestselling book
P - Phobia[s]: commitment, having kids, not knowing where my life will take me next
Q - Quote: I will quote the lyrics to one of my favorite Bjork songs. I can understand what she says in most of her music. Now why can't my husband? OR does he even really try??
"we live on a mountain
right at the top
there's a beautiful view
from the top of the mountain
every morning i walk towards the edge
and throw little things off
car-parts, bottles and cutlery
or whatever i find lying around
it's become a habit
a way
to start the day
i go through this
before you wake up
so i can feel happier
to be safe up here with you
it's real early morning
no-one is awake
i'm back at my cliff
still throwing things off
i listen to the sounds they make
on their way down
i follow with my eyes 'til they crash
imagine what my body would sound like
slamming against those rocks
and when it lands
will my eyes
be closed or open?
i'll go through all this
before you wake up
so i can feel happier
to be safe up here with you"
R - Reason to smile: watching Kung Fu Hustle and realizing how GORGEOUS Stephan Chow is. *sighs....falls on floor.....faints*
S - Song you sang last: "Oceania" by Bjork
T - Time you woke up [today]: well i first woke up at 4:58am then went back to sleep and woke up again around 11:30
U - Unknown fact about me: all of my life i've tried my best to become independent and stable on my own, but each time i end up depending on someone else. :(
V - Vegetable you hate: there's never a vegatable that i hate when its cooked the right way
W - Worst habit(s): biting my nails; being lazy
X - X-rays you've had: just about every part of my body for one thing or another
Y - Yummy food: Andy's bacon cheeseburger with everything! (chilli, cole slaw, ketchup and mustard, bacon, cheese) *licks lips* now i'm hungry!
Z - Zodiac sign: Capricorn but i think i was supposed to be a Sagittarius lol