... because nothing says I Love You like that ...

Feb 19, 2009 10:41

RantBlog: I don't know how many of you are following this story about Rhianna and her boyfriend, Chris Brown - how he beat her up so badly she had to pull out of the Grammy's and go to the hospital... She's come out as saying "I know he loves me..." Oh My God girl, what PLANET are you LIVING ON?! Send the little bastard to PRISON and be DONE WITH HIM. Why is a girl like that standing up for him? She can have just about any man on the planet, but she wants the one that beats her? This sends a really great message to all the young girls out there who are her fans. Forgiveness is one thing - but forgive him as he's sitting in prison, fearing for his life, because the criminals in there probably are fans of her too :P Ugh, it makes me sick.

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