stop spreading stupid rumors that ARE NOT true.

Sep 07, 2005 21:36

well school today was interesting to say the least.

well to everyone who believed that stupid RUMOR caitlyn cofer made up im sorry to dissappoint but I AM NOT pregnant.

i never haven been and i am certainly stop spreading it...cause its just some gay rumor some girl that doesnt have any sort of social life made up just to try and hurt stop spreading it and its not true.

so now that that is cleared was ok except for the fact that people would just stare and whisper...its like if you believe a freakin rumor or your not sure just fuckin come up and ask me about it...ok.

after shcool i had a meeting...and then ricky ca,me adn got me and me and him and dusitn and zack went to sonic...then we went to rickys and then i had to go home...then i had keeper traing and then soccer practife...that was a fun 3

soccer was mist interesting seeing how the girl that made up the rumor was there...hmmm...i love how everyone took my side...i hope she goes home tonite and cries...that would make me happy...i know i sound like a total bitch right now but put yourself in my posistion...yea it sucks.

then i came home and tlkaed to ricky...i love that boy...he makes me so happy...i was so pissed about today and then i talked to him and i felt so much

but that about out.

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