Jun 21, 2009 13:56
We had no ceremony this year.......I was on my way home from Border War. We didn't get in until well past midnight. I will make summer father's day brownies and maybe hamburgers on the grill tonight and then a fire in the fireplace later. And although I read a whole book this morning while I soaked in the bath, I will read the first chapter of The Hobbit as has been my first day of summer ritual for many years.
It was a strange day yesterday--a "friend" had to tell me his take on a few things which brought up lots of old nastiness I would like to leave WAY behind. It's funny being accused of trying to cause problems when what I think I'm doing is getting the hell out of dodge.......oh well.
And we only sold four bags--barely covered expenses. I'm still having fun, but that's not much Pennsic money.
John didn't get to sleep until 10 am and so he will not be up until dinner time. If we're lucky we'll get to spend a bit of time together before he needs to get back to Taco Hell.
As for me, I am giving myself the rest of the day to relax. Tomorrow I will begin the PENNSIC LIST: sewing, menu, packing etc. Ciernit is getting a TRAILER. Can you imagine how much STUFF I can bring???????????????