Jan 24, 2009 11:41
So, it snowed again last night, which means I'm stuck inside with my cozy electric blanket rathar than traipsing around in the real world like I have been this past few days. In my defense, it was a good 70 degrees for once, so you can't really blame me for neglecting the interwebs a little bit.
But anyway, it's fscking freezing again, so I've got some catching up to do.
Dialysis is going pretty well. Had an appointment at the new clinic, which is only 10 min away rathar than 4, so that's cool I guess. My arm still got bruised to all hell because my nurse infiltrated the vein when she drew blood. Every fucking time. Ugh! She's the only one who does that too. The other three haven't infiltrated once. You'd think they'd at least give me a batman bandaid, but no. It's plain, 'flesh' colored and hurts like a sunuvabitch when it comes off. Also, it makes the bruise bigger and this really ugley mottled fuschia. It makes me look like a gorram drug addict. D: No wonder the moms at Wal Mart freak and pull their kids real close when I walk by. (Of course it's better than letting them run around unchecked and letting them trip me up like they usually do) Stupid human larvae.
Apparantly my phospherous is still high too, so I'll have to not only start the alternagel again (which tasts freaking nasty) but I'll have to get another lecture from my nutritionist. She'll say the same old stuff like I'm an idiot and imply that I'm not trying hard enough and that I don't care and I'm not taking care of myself. After this I'll have to go find something to do to keep from feeling stupid, at least until the lecture power wares off.
I haven't been sleeping very well lately. Like, at all. I've gotten maybe two to three hours a night for the past couple of months, so I talked to my nurses about it to see what the cause maybe was. (Aside from the cycler hurting when it drains me) Turns out, the majority of meds I'm on, from the ace inhibitors to the antidepressants, all cause not only drowsiness, but insomnia. So I'm tired as hell, but unable to sleep. It sucks. It sucks big monkey balls.
So my nurse said she'd call my doctor and see if I could get prescribed some ambien or something. THAT turned out to be a fun process. I went home that day after being told she'd have it to me before thursday, along with my epogen. Come friday I still haven't heard back, so we stopped in and she had the epogen, but hadn't even talked to the doctor about the ambien. Turns out she...wait for it..forgot. yeah. That made me feel just so important. She called the doctor right then and got me the prescription in less than two min. Why couldn't she have just done that when I was in for my appointment on tues? Anyway, I got the ambien and slept all last night for the first time in forever. It. Was. Awesome!
Anyway, that's all the 'important' stuff. On to to the nonesense!
My tamagotchi are thriving. My vintage pair are both 8 days old, my v3s are each 6. So far so good. Still waiting for them to hit the adult stage, but the hearts in both hunger and happiness are full in all of them, as is the disciplin meter. They're all at the minimum weight for their ages, so that's good too. Hopefully the instructions I've been following for the vintage tamas will yeild the adult I was hoping for, the little guy pictured in my icon. *croses fingers* ihopesihopesihopes.
So out of the tamas I kept (I gave a v3 to my friend Skye so we can goof off with them together when she's in the springs. Also gave a vintage, a v3 and a v2 to my brother) I have five. Three v3's and two vintage. I'll have six soon, seeing as how I have another vintage coming from ebay any day now. It's taking forever, though, because the seller is shipping it from Japan. Bummer. Also, I'm sure Ryan will give me his when the batteries die and he loses interest in them again. If that includes the vintage Tamagotchi Ocean I bought him for a late christmas present, I'll be back up to 10. Not the highest number of tamas I've owned, but a hefty ammount either way.
I've had people give me a lot of shit for playing with Tamas and collecting so many, but you know what? I don't care. they're fun, cute and keep me busy in days like this. There are worse hobbies I could have. So what if I'm 23? People older than me have them. It doesn't hurt anyone. It's no different than someone my age reading comics or playing video games with an x-box or wii.
People who ridicule others because of something so trivial often confuse me. It becomes not only an issue of maturity on both sides, but of social norms and acceptability I suppose. A 46 year old woman can collect barbies, but it's 'weird' for me to have Tamagotchi? Doesn't make sense to me. Besides, maturity is overrated. When people say mature they expect a certain image to go along with it, I think. Conservative (nonedescript?) clothes, a generic hairstyle, a steady job, a place to live etc etc. Its as if yoou reach a certain age and BAM you're too old to have fun anymore because it's 'immature'. Dancing in public? Immature. Fun clothes and weird hair? immature. Still collecting 'toys'? Immature. Tattoos and peircings? Whoa buddy! Having those means you're not only imature and irresponsible, but a drug using, booze swilling bad infulence who will corrupt children and steal everything that isn't nailed down. it means you're uneducated and amoral to boot. Right? Right? You're probably a pregant teen or a loser with stds.
You'd think by now that kind of stereotyping would have died out, but it's still alive and well. People still cross the street to avoid me when I'm on my walks, but I've proven time and again I can be mature when the situation calls for it. I've held jobs for years. I've made employee of the month with each job I've held. I've never once been fired. I've had my own place, I've stuck to a budget and did well for myself. Even now, with kidney failure kind of making things a drag, I can manage my appointments, get my own prescriptions filled, do my own dialysis, administer my own injections. I've had the common sense to step up and admit when there were problems and took the steps to better my situation. Fuck, I've even written a gorram novel!
But I play with toys designed for middle schoolers, so I'm immature. I read comics, watch cartoons and play D&D. I have tattoos and short pink hair. I'm a bad person.
HA! You're just jealous because I've figured out how to be successful, responsible and still have FUN without resorting to booze or drugs. I have and you have not. That's where all the ridicule really comes from. That's why I've been told it's immature and sociall unaceptable. As far as I'm concerned, John Melloncamp said it best: Growing up leads to growing old and then to dyin', and dyin' to me don't sound like all that much fun.