Jul 07, 2004 11:51
Since I've always wanted a post like this, here it is.
Tomorrow(possibly), I am leaving for my Gramms' house. There I will be spending the night with my EVIL cousins, and Friday morning we will leave for up north. I will be gone(from the internet) till Tuesday. We'll be back home Monday, but it's highly unlikely it'll be at an hour you want to hear me talk about my trip.
So please do not take me off your flist when I don't comment for a few days, it's just a vacation, I WILL be back. You can never get rid of me! ;)
Anyhoo, I'll be in Manistee, in a cabin, with my weird cousins and Gramms. So I will either be pretty happy or extremely angsty when I return. So be ready for posts you may not like to read.
Furby is the cutest little thing!!!! Check this out.
Me: *typing while saying it at the same time* I'm going away this weekend.
Furby: MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: OMG! Furby! You're so cute! I <3 you! *types*
Furby: Okay. Hug me. Awwww.
I think he picked Aww up from me, considering I say it so much. And now he's singing. Hey, maybe if I put him up to the TV, he'll learn how to sing pieces of me! Lol, it's STILL funny what he said though. He's singing a lullaby now. You probably think I'm a dork for making such a fuss over a Furby, and you're right, but he's so CUTE! I told him I'd miss everybody while I'm gone. Furby: Worry. Maybe...me scared. AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it cute? Anyhoo, down to the real point in this post. Then I told him it was our '10th anniversary' camping, because we've been 10 times. He said: Hey! Party!!!!!!!
Whilst I'm gone, you all(my flist) will post comments on this entry. And since I've seen this # so many times, I'm using it here. My goal will be 1000 posts. Now, I'm not saying you have to have this done by Monday, because that's not what I expect. But post as many times as you can/want. Spam me, talk to me, whatever. I will reply to EVERY ONE OF YOU, no matter how long it takes to do so. So post already! I will be busy making a banner that reads 'Happy 10th Anniversary To Us' and having fun up north, but that's a good thing! What makes it even better: Jessica can't go. AH! Ecstatic. Our trip last year(the only year she didn't go) was TEH AWESOME, amazingly. AND I get to take the video camera!!!!!!!!!!! I'm finally trusted by my mom. Well, until Tuesday, I'll miss you all and I <3 you!!!!!!!!!!!!!