(no subject)

Mar 10, 2007 21:57

My pictures from the Bruins Wild game. There are 215 (I'm not kidding). When I uploaded them all at once, they got all out of order. So you're going to get a mishmash here. There are far too many to put them back in order (with a few exceptions), so I hope you can still follow. My commnets are slashy, like always. Deal or don't read them.

For some reason Keith Carney kept finding himself in my viewfinder. I don't know why. Really.

Blades came down to the glass where I was standing. My mother wanted to take a picture of me with him, but I said no.

This was just after a faceoff. Somewhere in here, there is the set up of that faceoff.

At the end of the warm ups, they went all in on the goalie. He wasn't as good at it as Marty.

Pavol liked to hang out in front of me during warm ups, but he never once looked at me. A couple others did, as you'll see.

The Slovaks hung out together, as you'll see.

You'll see him without his mask earlier, and add this fucking the ice picture to that.

The first of the Brians. I took a lot of Brian. A lot, a lot.

Brian being interviewed. Caroline wrote down his quote for me, "Nothing but good memories there, two of my kids were born there and my career really picked up there. Management has changed a few times, there's only a couple of guys left. It's not going to be as nerve-wracking as maybe going back to other teams."

More Brian. Right by my seat. He looks as good in person.

Todd talks to everyone, usually Brian, but here you see him with Mikko. Who also talked to Brian a lot.

Where is Foster's hand going?

Phil had a good game, but he needs a stable line. Here you see Newer Guy.

You can kinda see Marian next to Pavol. They were chatting, and Marian bent down just as I took the picture.

I still don't like him, but that stretch always catches my eye.

Marc looking cute. My mother has decided that he is EVIL, though she doesn't know why. Something about his look. She doesn't like him.

Brian. Mikko watching Brian. He'd just finished talking to Todd.

Brian in the box. "Uh oh, Big B needs a time out," my mother says, "What did he do?" "Hooking," I say. "Oh. Big B is a hooker." She was amused. I thought about how Marty wouldn't like that.

Bruins warmup. Marc, Jeremy Reich. There were others, but they moved.

I think Newer Guy looks like Ryan Shannon. Patrice is wishing he was somewhere else.

Baby Goalie. When I suggested to my mother that it wouldn't be horrible to see Baby Goalie in net, she looked at me like I'd just told her I was rooting for the Pathers. She really likes Timmy. Really likes him.

Todd talks to everyone. I'm not kidding.

There are a few of these. When we had TV time outs, I took pictures of the benches.

Ah, look the other Slovak talks to someone not Slovakian.

See? He liked to hang out near me. I just took the pictures.

I kept trying to get a picture of Mark Parrish, but the guy does not stand still.

At some point or other Todd talks to everyone.

Pretty much, if Brian stood still, I took a picture.

One of the best pictures I took. They were doing this all game.

Timmy was a Star according to the NHL, so he got to donate money. He picked a Food Bank in Boston, the same one he visited at Thanksgiving. I thought it was great.

Brian liked to chat with Keith, too. And Mikko. There's a lot of this.

More goalie stretching. Can't say no to that.

They were chatting a lot, the other Slovak and Vellieux.

I didn't like that he has Brian's number. Didn't like it at all.

More bench shots. Not asking what Marian is grabbing.

Warm ups. Brent in the middle. He got in the way of my pictures a lot and made them into blurs.

Them chatting again. They did that during the warm ups. I guess they were talking about backchecking.

Brian liked to move too much. You can see Mikko and Todd talking in the background.

Kim looks so annoyed. I don't remember who he was looking at. But I can tell you who he flirts with during the game. Stay tuned.

Called him up, he didn't do much. Got very little ice time. But he was conscious the whole game.

Guess who is up behind Veilleux . . .

More Brian talking. Everyone listens to him.

More stretchy goalie.

Kim always seems to look confused. Oh! Did you ever wonder why every picture of him playing he seems to have his tongue hanging out? It's because he plays the whole game that way. If he's moving on the ice, his tongue is hanging out. It's very funny to watch, but unfortuantely he skates too fast to take a picture of.

More bench. We have a lot of liddle guys.

I was trying to take a picture of our bench and Brian skated into my frame!

Another faceoff shot.

At the end of warmups, Phil was the last Bruin to leave the ice.

Nick and Kim have secrets. They whisper to each other.

That's Baby Goalie, with his non-Red Wing mask. It's creepy looking.

A really good picture of Nick, amidst the blurs.

Timmy's chatting up NewD, or "his D".

More talking Todd. And Kim is about to sneeze or he finally gets the joke.

This was the end of the game, the yay us line.

And more Brian. I told you, if he stood still.

One of my two favourite pictures. Giggling Timmy is great!

New people. Useless new people.

For the anthem. The singer got the words wrong. She was 13.

York talking to the crew.

He seems to be checking someone out.

Ward rolls his eyes, and wishes he was back on Manhattan.

Brian does a yay line after scoring. Damn him for that.

Our bench. Andy wants to know how you doin'?

More warmups.

Brian leaning over . . . to moon his coach? I don't know.

Mikko hears a Who.

They flirted with each other all night.

Brian on the bench. Todd and Mark, too.

Look, more Brian!

Some Keith. He liked to get in my pictures.

This would be cute, if the idea didn't make me queasy.

Brent liked to skate in front of my camera, but fast. He blurs a lot.

Todd looking at Brian, Brian looking at Mikko, Mikko looking oblivious. Happened a lot.

This was the time out.

Pavol checking out Marian. Shocking.

They had a very long conversation, I'd love to know what they were talking about.

Todd and Keith. I don't know why I kept taking pictures of them, but I did.

Mowers pointing out players to Donovan, Patrice listening in. I snickered.

Goalie yays. This was at the end.

At the end of the game, Brian was the last one off the ice.

More faceoff action. And Brian.

Trying to take a picture of Brian, got a good picture of Todd. He's very liddle.

Bruins bench. Patrice watching the replay.

Mikko looking away. So I'm taking pictures of them warming up and Mikko decided to set up camp right in front of me. So at one point he turns to look at me, then he skates over to someone Bouchard and says something, then looks back at me. I can just hear it now, "Why is she taking pictures?" "Don't ask."

New Guy! We like New Guy a lot.

Nine point nine times out of ten, if Veilleux is in the picture, the other Slovak is, too. If not, Pavol will be.

He looks like he's looking at me. He's not, but he looks like he is.

I forget who this is. It's a good picture. But I forget who it is.

Keith watches the replay. Brian drinks. What more do I need?

Best picture I took. Game on.

Yeah, more Brian and Todd, deal with it.

More trying to kill the goalie at the end of warm ups.

Marco being cute with a mad face on. I don't know what his deal was this game, but he wasn't on. I mentioned before how he randomly punched Foster in the head four times. It was bizarre.

They're talking about backchecking for sure.

Todd taking exception to Brian having his chat with Keith instead of him.

It really looks like Foster is grabbing Keith's nose.

More Brian, and the goalie watching us warm up. Cheating!

Talking to the coach. Brian and Todd, shocked yet?

Timmy on the bench for the last two minutes.

Turned away at the last second to watch Completely Conscious Guy. Isn't he Czech?

Keith wants to complain about something.

Unless he's at a dead stop, you can't take a picture of Marian.

I wish I could lie and say that was number 11, so this would be cool, but it's not.

Mikko and Todd watch Keith play puck boy.

Waiting for warm ups. Marian's going to talk to the Other Slovak.

Bouchard looks twelve and Parrish looks like he's pouting.

A good picture of Keith.

More Brian. Yes, I like him a bit.

Chara has to bend in half to talk to Newer Guy.

I think it's interesting that a lot of kids wear these low numbers. Minnesota doesn't have any retired, so they have their pick. In Boston, the only one you can have from two through ten is six.

At the end of the first period, Brian was the last one off the ice. He wasn't the last one off at the end of the second.

Todd and Parrish, they're both liddle.

This was going to be a really good picture of Parrish, then he bent down.

Take my word for it, Kim's tongue is out.

I wish he was sitting the other way. But the idea is there.

Mikko looks so confused.

Mikko chats with Brian. Again.

Timmy chats with Baby Goalie during a TV time out. I think that's cute.

More trying to kill the goalie. Yay!

Chara looks confused. That says a lot.

I didn't get anybody's ass while warming up. So sad.

Wrong!44 and wrong!12 in a row like that make me sad. All this picture needs is Jason York.

So Chara was playing with someone in warm ups. First he bumped him, then he hugged him. I couldn't see who, so I took a picture after they stopped playing.

It was Jason York. Figures.

A really good picture of the Other Slovak.

This was just before Mikko skated off to ask Bouchard "something".

This was in my quest to get a good picture of Parrish, then I saw Brian interviewed and I lost interest in Parrish.

More Brian doing his yay I scored thing.

NewD. I could like him. I could like him a lot more than Wideman.

So this is a series of pictures. There was that thing with Pavol and Marc so the "Captains" had to go talk to the refs. Now to be fair Parrish had left with an injury, so we can pretend that even if he was still there, Brian wouldn't have gone. But Chara was not only on the ice at the time of the incident, but was standing at the boards at this moment and still Patrice went over.

Brian is explaining something, but I really don't know know what was only that high.

Brian's sweaty hair is . . . nice.

Damn the glare. Did you know that Patrice's first NHL goal was set up by Brian? Yes, that's true. Nothing like standing there next to him in a Captain's meeting to make him feel old.

Then Brian goes over to explain things to the coach, who calls the ref over anyway.

Okay, so I'm getting this thing for Kim, sue me!

Mowers plays puck boy. Patrice stands around and looks pretty.

This would have been a good picture of Brent if he didn't look so dopey.

Brent doesn't know it's time to be in HD.

Brian making a pouty face. Yeah, excuse me, I'm having a moment.

Brian's back and a goalie stick. Symbolism?

Pavol goes to talk to Brian. It's a thing, everyone does it.

This was going to be a good picture, then my mother bumped my arm. But you get the idea. Good looking goalie. Put that with the stretchy ice fucking pictures. Yeah.

Patrice's back. Not great, but nice a clear.

Stretchy Timmy. Always a good thing.

I didn't get any good pictures of Andy which was too bad. And here's Phil and Patrice chatting, too.

More bench. New Guy. We still like him.

Brian chatting with Marian. Well, if Pavol got to do it . . .

I'm gonna getcha little puck!

He actually skated little circles, so he could be the last one off at the end of the game.

More kill the goalie.

More faceoff fun. Parrish just seems liddler.

Anthem time. My mother thought taking pictures was "disrespectful". The singer didn't get the words right and taking a picture was disrespectful?!

My next attempt in my ongoing challenge to get a good picture of Rob Simpson.

A really good picture, and he was really that close to me. I forgot to take pictures sometimes, because I was staring. I don't know what the yellow stuff is reflected.

Really good picture of Pavol. Another one.

Yay on the goalie. This was at the end.

More bendy goalie. He was doing something more bendy before, but Brent skated in front and ruined the picture.

Look, it's the bench again! I had to fill up the TV time outs with something.

Newer Guy and NewD look friendly. Granted they came together, but I didn't thinking together, together. But who knows. Maybe they're just hiding together from all the strangers.

Oh there is an Andy picture. Good. And Chara looks to either god or the replay or both.

Faceoff fun all around.

Keith. I think he's sneezing. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a player sneeze during a game.

Trying to take a picture of my bench, Mikko skates in the frame.

Keith watching Brian get interviewed.

Bruins time out plotting.

The usual suspects.

Still more kill the goalie.

I wanted to say they were like ducks in a row, and that lead me to want to go to a ducks game just so I can take a picture and say that. Not that I didn't already want to go to a ducks game.

Not like Chara wasn't tall enough to begin with.

Ah, there we go, much better. Brian plays D on the PP.

Foster. Before getting punched in the head four times for no reason.

I wish he was really looking at me here. Maybe he is. My mother says he looked at me a little later, but who knows.

A pretty good picture of Marian.

Pavol talking to Kim. Really, at one time or other, everyone talks to everyone.

No listening in, Other Slovak.

Just me or does Reich look like Brad a little bit in this picture?

It's blurry sure, but it's up close.

Pavol took his helmet off, Marian took his helmet off, and Mikko looks to god.

More yay at the goalie. My mother says "Oh, go kiss him in the locker room!"

Are these getting boring? Well, stop scrolling if you think so.

Can we give Wideman back?! You don't want to know how many passes he missed.

Mikko looks shocked. I don't want to know what Hall is doing.

Don't need to know what Marian is grabbing.

Psst, Todd, wrong twelve!

I don't know if you can see it, but those two entire sections in the back were filled with Wild fans. All in jerseys and all cheering loudly. It was crazy. More Wild fans were at this game than Habs fans at a Habs game. Two whole sections like the bussed them in. I don't know what it was, but it was crazy.

Fun with faceoffs. Again.

Mikko looks sullen.

I don't know why I took so many picture of Keith at the bench. I just did.

Another series. So during warm ups Pavol stood in one spot, with his stick like that, and watch everyone else work around him.

Didn't move at all. Just watched everyone.

Everyone else was warming up. He just stood there.

And eventually, after Marian came up beside him, he moved into action.

And guess what? That's it. 215 pictures. Hope you enjoyed it. Oh, and the gallery is here in case you wanted to see it for some reason.

hockey: games i attended

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