(no subject)

Jun 19, 2013 17:52

Hello guys!

I've been feeling better. My stomach pain has eased up. I've been sleeping all day because the pain kept me up last night and I was having trouble breathing, but everything seems to be fine for the moment. I just had a cup of orange juice and I don't feel as sluggish as I did just an hour ago.

I was reading some of the blogs on my Wordpress account yesterday and I saw one questioning whether superheroes are the new gods. I don't have an particular thoughts on that per se, but I noticed that on the article comments there were a lot of men complaining about the author's thoughts on sexism in the genre.

I noticed that some men seem to have a knee jerk reaction to claims of sexism. I thought the author had a point, you know? But a lot of the commenters we're missing that.

Anyway I just read this article on women in science fiction. Now you guys know I love a good romance novel. Why is it that that romance is seen as inherently bad thing?

Idk. I'm still smarting from my niece dissing my choice of reading. She told me I read nasty books. LMAO really? I have to wonder who taught her that.

This entry can also be found on DW at: http://leia-solo.dreamwidth.org/298498.html

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