Like A Virgin Chapter Four

May 01, 2011 17:20

Title: Like A Virgin
Genre: Romance
Characters: Inoue Orihime and Ishida Uryuu, mentions of Kurosaki Ichigo and Arisawa Tatsuki
Spoilers: None, but takes place after the timeskip
Summary: Orihime feels like Ishida is hiding something from her. Whatever could it be?

After school ended that day, Orihime gathered up her books and waited patiently for Uryuu at the gate. Tatsuki had walked her down. They were silent while they waited.

She played with the flap of her book bag and she saw Tatsuki out the corner of her eye practice her moves. She heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw Uryuu walking with Ichigo. They were in deep conversation. They almost walked past her until Orihime’s hand shot in front of them.

They looked up surprised. Uryuu blushed while Ichigo looked sheepish. What were they up to?

“Are we going to walk home together Uryuu?” Orihime asked him, suddenly shy in front of Ichigo.
“Uh Kurosaki needs my help with something, so I’ll call you later okay?” Uryuu said barely
looking at her. He pulled Ichigo by the arm causing him to cry out “Hey, watch the shirt man!”

“Well that was weird, wasn’t it?” Tatsuki asked

Orihime started at the back of their retreating figures, her brow furrowed. Yes it surely was.
After Tatsuki made sure Orihime had gotten safely into her apartment. She waved and continued on her way home. Orihime sat her bag down and bowed at her brother’s picture. She went to the kitchen to fix herself a snack, a nice bowl of miso soup.

After she washed the dishes, she sat down at the table and began to do her homework. But her mind wandered to other things. Why was Uryuu acting so funny? Had he used her? Was he really not the man she thought he was?

Suddenly she found herself getting mad.. She would give him a piece of her mind. She stomped off to her room and changed into purple skirt with white flowers on it and an off the shoulder white peasant blouse. She grabbed her purse and locked the door behind her.

She nearly ran the entire way to his house. She was so angry with him. She didn’t deserve to be treated like this. She was his girlfriend after all. What was he hiding that he didn’t want to tell her?

She finally arrived and climbed the stairs and ran his doorbell. She heard him call out “Just a minute”. She put her hands on her hips and waited.

The door opened and he looked at her surprised.

“Orihime, what are you doing here?” he asked

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” she asked sweetly, hiding her rage behind her flawless smile.

He stepped back and let her in. She went in looking around the place as she did. Same tiny apartment, nothing seemed out of place. She turned around and faced him.

“So did you want anything specific?”

She stared at him at him disbelievingly. So now she needed a reason to come visit him?

“I want to know what you’re hiding from me” she said

He had the decency to blush. He pushed his glasses up and opened his mouth “I’m not hiding anything”

Orihime rolled her eyes, which was so unlike her she knew. But she couldn’t help it. He was clearly hiding something. Call it female intuition.

“Then why didn’t you walk me home this afternoon?”

“Inoue-san” he started.

“Inoue-san is it?” she blustered “We’ve just taken a step back haven’t we Uryuu? Or should I call you Ishida-kun?”

He looked at her for a second and then sighed. The look on his face hurt her.

“Uryuu, just please tell me what’s wrong?” she implored

He looked at her again and then grinned. She took a step back and was stunned by this unexpected change in mood. He came to her and put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. He maneuvered her towards the sofa and told her to sit.

She sat down obediently and watched him walk to his bedroom. She twiddled her thumbs and waited for him to come back. She didn’t have to wait for long.

He came and sat down beside her and swiped at a piece of loose hair falling over her cheek. He looked at her steadily in the eye.

“I wanted this to be a surprise, but I guess I’m useless at hiding secrets” he said.

“A surprise?” she said uncertainly

He pulled out a tiny black box from his pocket. He held onto it tightly. He took her hand and rubbed it.

“Inoue Orihime, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever known, on the inside and out. I was wondering and hoping that you would do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he said nervously.

There was silence in the room as Orihime just stared at him. She couldn’t think of anything to say. So this is what Uryuu had been hiding?

“Are you crazy?” she blurted out

“Excuse me?” he said looking shocked.

“We can’t get married. We’re still in high school. We have college…we-“she started

“Of course I know that” he said shaking his head “I meant after we graduated from college”
Orihime stared at him and then a thought hit her.

“How did you afford a ring?” she asked curiously.

He blushed again, but he obliged her. “I’ve been saving up for awhile now”

She didn’t know what to say. She wanted with all her heart to say yes to his proposal. But something was stopping her.

“Uryuu, are you sure you want to marry me?” she asked quietly

He looked at her earnestly. “It’s the only thing in my future that I’m sure about”

She lunged at him knocking him off the sofa as she did. But she didn’t care. She hugged him tightly.
“Orihime, what are you do-“he started, but she silenced him with a kiss.

“Of course I’ll marry you. You lovable dolt” she said gently.

His eyes lit up and he held her tightly.

“But I have conditions” she said into his shoulder.


“We have to both graduate college and get well paying jobs and then we’ll start planning our wedding” she said.

He looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded his head. “I agree to your terms” he said giving her a peck on the cheek.

He released her and then stood up and held out a hand to help her up.

“Oh and one more thing” she said.

“More conditions?” he asked exasperated.

“Only one” she laughed “You have to tell Tatsuki”

The End.

bleach, fanfiction, ishihime

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