Dragon Wings: The Outskirts of Heaven - Chapter IV

Aug 16, 2012 21:32

Jensen woke up with a groan already leaving his mouth. His body, still mostly open from before, gave way as Jared pushed his slicked member straight into him. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but it had obviously been long enough for Jared to recuperate. The hard flesh filling him felt huge, but his half-asleep mind was simply registering pleasure pleasure pleasure. Instinct had him moving in counterpoint to Jared’s thrusts, and the stimulation had his cock hardening again. He wouldn’t have thought it possible. After a particularly deep thrust, Jensen gasped, “Jared!”

“Hmmm. Hi there sleepyhead.” Taking Jen’s cock in his giant hand, he added, “I see you’re awake now.”

“Jared. Jay. Wha...” He broke off moan again as his prostate was pounded unmercifully.

Jared bit his earlobe. “Just following orders, Jen. ‘m mating my dragon.”

“Mating. Yeah. Okay.” It was the last thing either of them said as they were quickly approaching climax. Jensen, under Jared’s dual attack, was the first to go, shuddering his release over Jared’s hand. His mate, enveloped in clenching heat, followed close behind. They panted as they slowly calmed down once more, but Jensen finally managed, “I’m not going to survive this.”

Jared laughed out loud. “C’mon. We need to shower, and then we can see if there is anything left over for lunch in the canteen.”

“Shower? I’m not sure I can even stand.” But he allowed Jared to get up and start pulling him out of their bed. As he straightened up and stepped forward, he whimpered at the pull on aching muscles and kind of amazed by the throbbing in his ass. Jared made understanding noises but didn’t stop in his self-imposed task of showering and eating. Jensen suspected it was the idea of food that was driving him. Whatever it was, he had them in a hot shower within minutes. Jensen had to admit, it felt good on his aching body. He must have zoned out briefly, because the next thing he knew, Jared’s soapy hands were smoothing over him, taking particular care over the bruises on his hips and lower down on his thighs. It was nice, and Jensen didn’t realise he was purring until Jared chuckled.

“That good, Jen?”

“Mmhmm.” Jensen smiled as he hit upon an idea to get Jared back for leaving him in this state. “My turn now.” He grabbed the soap and began to clean Jared as thoroughly and gently as he had done to him. Then, when he was finished, he gave Jared his most innocent smile, went up on his toes as though aiming for a kiss and, once Jared leaned down to give it to him, slithered down his body until he was on his knees in front of him. Without a second’s warning, he took Jared’s member in hand and put the tip into his mouth. Jared made a choked sound and grabbed Jen’s head to pull him away. Jensen pressed his teeth just below the head and growled in warning. Jared changed his hold to a caress.

“Okay, okay. I was just gonna’ say you don’t have to, but you clearly want to, so...” He moaned as Jensen began happily sucking at him again. “Man, you are good at that.” That made Jensen strive to take him even deeper. He sucked and licked and slid down Jared’s cock like it was his favourite thing in the whole world, and Jared began to pant. When Jen proved to have no gag reflex and let Jared slide into his throat, Jared was the one who whimpered. Jensen made that rumbling purring noise and it vibrated right through Jared. His legs shook and he had to lock his knees. Jensen was too good for Jared to last long. “Jen, I’m gonna’...” Jensen moaned his pleasure in that idea and that was it, Jared came with one last groan. Jen swallowed convulsively, further milking his mate until he was completely spent.

Jared pulled Jensen to his feet and kissed him soundly. Finally pulling back, he grinned wickedly. “Turn around, Jen. Lean against the wall.”

Jensen shook his head wildly. “No. Jared. Please. I can’t...” He broke off in a whimper when Jared just pushed him into position. “Jaaaay.”

“Shhh.” Jared was laughing. “You’re going to like this.” He went to his knees this time and spread Jensen’s cheeks wide. The puffy little pucker looked tender, and Jared could understand Jensen’s distress at the thought of taking him again. “Awww. You all sore, Jen? Let me kiss it and make it all better...” He leaned in and kissed the spot before beginning to lick the rim with quick little laps. Jensen gave a high pitched whine, and Jared frowned, concerned. “Does it hurt, Jen? Is it really too much?”

There was a moment of silence and then Jensen shook his head. “No. No, it doesn’t hurt.”

All smiles once more, Jared returned to his task. He started out slowly, but after a while began to rim him in earnest. Using his great long arms, he reached up for the soap and got his hands well and truly covered in suds. He then reached around Jensen and began stroking his half-hard cock, the balls and the tiny strip of sensitive flesh behind. He made sure not to reach any further, not keen on tasting the soap. Jensen was moaning and whimpering and squirming in his grasp. He was on the edge of too much, too sensitive, but didn’t try to tell Jared to stop. He was getting fully hard now, and he was almost afraid how his body would respond. Jared was jabbing his tongue as deep into him as he could get now, and his hands were stroking in a steady counterpoint. He could feel the climax building, building, and his balls drawing up tight. Jared could sense it was coming and rinsed off one hand so he could bring it up and push one finger in alongside his tongue. It was all the extra stimulation Jensen could handle. He came with a scream and only Jared’s quick reflexes caught him from crumpling completely to the tiled floor. Jared held him in his arms and kissed the side of his face, little fleeting kisses designed to soothe as Jensen panted harshly, practically sobbing as his body shook. Finally, Jensen curled into Jared’s embrace, holding on weakly. Jared’s knees were beginning to hurt from kneeling on the hard floor, but he would stay until Jensen had calmed down.

“Jared.” Jensen’s voice was wrecked.

“Yes, Jen?” He nuzzled his mate’s face.

“Will it always be like this?” Green eyes blinked tiredly at him.

Jared smiled. “No. I don’t think so. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you so far.”

‘S’okay.” Jensen murmured. “Just, not much use like this.”

Laughing, Jared told him, “It was implied that we stay in here until we were well and truly mated. I figured we might as well take advantage of the down time. Tomorrow is soon enough to go back to training. How about we go get something to eat and then spend the rest of the afternoon in bed?” Jensen’s eyes went round making Jared chuckle some more. “To rest. I swear, Jen, just to rest.”

“Oh.” Jensen smiled back at him. “Then, yeah, I’m pretty hungry.”

“I bet. Let’s get a move on.” And that made Jensen laugh outright; never get between Jared and food.

Chris and Steve were already in the mess hall when Jared and Jensen arrived. It was only about half full, and there were still some decent options on offer to eat. Jared grinned widely and rubbed his hands together in anticipation. Jensen, on the other hand, was kind of wavering on his feet. Noticing, Jared nudged him gently. “Why don’t you go sit with the guys and I’ll bring you something, okay?”

Jensen nodded, but told him, “Make sure there is at least one green thing on the plate, Jay. If I’m going to have to fly your heavy ass round then I demand you don’t gain weight. Or any more height.”

“I’m done growing, Jen.” Jared laughed. “But I promise to eat something green.”

Nodding in satisfaction, Jensen shuffled over to Chris and Steve. Chris, naturally, was the first to speak up. “Well, it lives. What do you know?”

“Ha ha.” Jensen muttered as he gingerly took his seat, hissing in a sharp breath despite his care. “Why don’t you two look like us?”

“We’re older, son.” Chris smirked. “We can restrain ourselves.”

Steve snorted. “You mean I can restrain myself. If I remember it rightly, you were molesting me in my sleep...”

Jensen snickered. “That isn’t a dragon only trait. Jared was the one doing the molesting in our room.”

“Yeah, well, what was I supposed to do when you were laying there looking all adorable and sexy?” Jared joined them, two trays of food in his hands. Jensen hummed his approval when Jared placed his tray in front of him to reveal some kind of meat casserole and a separate bowl of salad. It looked like he had gotten the same for himself and Jensen leaned over, brushing a quick kiss below his jaw. Jared beamed at him in return and smoothed his hand over Jensen’s hair.

Chris mimicked retching, but Steve smiled warmly. “So, Chris says you guys have been friends for a long time?”

Jared nodded, his mouth already full. When he made to speak, Jensen cut him off with a sharp look. “Yes, since childhood. I was five and Jared eight. He stood up for me.”

“And you never had any idea you were mates? Over all those years?” Steve seemed genuinely curious. “I knew almost as soon as I saw Chris.”

“No, never.” Jared had swallowed his mouthful. “Probably we were just too young. Can you imagine kids finding out they’re mated? That could be disastrous. So, I’m guessing that whatever it is that triggers the connection, it doesn’t come into play until both parties are past adolescence.” He reached up and played with the short hairs at the nape of Jensen’s neck, and the younger man’s eyes glowed ever so slightly. “I don’t think we realised before the Ceremony because we both already felt close to one another, so we didn’t think it was anything unusual.”

“And Jared’s a blind idiot.” Chris put in.

“How was I supposed to know that I was feeling protective of my mate and not my friend?” Jared protested.

“You were?” Jensen looked surprised.

Jared nodded. “I hated the idea of some young rider taking advantage of you. I didn’t realise that it was because you were mine.” Jensen gave him a shy smile and Jared brushed his thumb over the soft lips. “My Eirian, bright and beautiful.”

“Seriously.” Chris muttered. “There are people eating here.”

“You know,” Jared pondered, “I thought your temperament would improve with mating.”

Chris rumbled, his dragon leaking out. Jensen bristled, edging towards Jared, his eyes flashing. Jared put a quelling hand on his shoulder. Steve snapped, “Chris!” Chris turned innocent eyes on his mate, prompting him to add, “Don’t even try that with me. Don’t provoke your friends or you might just get more than you bargained for. This isn’t some courier sitting across from you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Chris rolled his eyes and grinned wickedly at Jensen. “You need to relax, Jen. We’re gonna’ be paired up as a unit when they send us out. We have to trust each other.”

Jensen flushed pink. “I’m sorry. I’m kind of new to this whole being mated thing. I think my emotions are all out of whack.”

Steve shook his head, but it was Chris who answered. “They aren’t out of whack. You’ll always do everything in your power to protect him. You’ll just have to learn when to curb it and when to let it out.”

“It’s the same for us.” Steve told him. “We’re possessive and protective. I’m afraid Jared is going to have his hands full being mated to you.”

“What? Why?”

“Because they all want you.” Jared muttered, eyes flickering around the room. “Every rider, mated or not, wishes they were me, wishes you were theirs.”

“I don’t want them.” Jensen whispered, shuffling closer to Jared once more, this time seeking reassurance.

“And they can’t have you.” Jared growled, wrapping his hand around Jensen’s neck and dragging him in for a bruising, claiming kiss.

“Padalecki!” The pair jerked apart at the Commander’s voice. “Save it for the bedroom.”

“Yes, sir.” Jared replied as Jensen blushed bright red and tried to disappear under the table. He felt his own face warm as Jackman chuckled and shook his head. “And I think that is our cue to leave. Jen, you finished?”

Jensen looked at his empty tray and nodded.

Chris watched them with narrowed eyes as they left the mess hall. “There’s something about him. I can’t quite put my finger on it. He’s trouble, but I can’t work out if it’s the good kind or the bad.”

Steve nodded his agreement. “I guess we’ll find out. You ready to head back too?”

With a wolfish smirk, Chris practically purred, “You bet your ass. Let’s get a move on, Mr Restraint.”

The next morning, Jared and Jensen didn’t bother going to training with the rest of the recruits. Instead, they met up with Steve and Chris and headed straight over to their own patch of training ground. Chris took up the reins as he had the day before. “Right, well, before yesterday’s little...accident we established that Jensen has good speed, excellent aim, and shows extraordinary aerial tactic ability and manoeuvrability. What we never quite got a chance to discuss is fitness and working as part of a combat group. Jensen, after our little sortie I was able to catch you not because I am faster but because you began to flag. Admittedly, you had been running drills prior, but in a real combat situation you could be asked upon to fly for hours at a time. What is the longest and furthest you have flown?”

Jensen blushed. “They always told us not to fly for more than twenty minutes. Sometimes, when nobody could catch me out, I would fly for maybe an hour, but certainly no more. I never really flew far either. Mostly around Dallas. I’m sorry.”

Chris scoffed. “Don’t be sorry. I don’t know what that stupid rule is all about anyway. They curb our flying and then expect us to go to war? Anyway, it shouldn’t take long to build up the stamina required. We do need to know how well you can work with other heavyweights in combat conditions. For now, that means how you fly with me. That we can start on right away. I reckon we have a week at the most before they ship us out, so we have a lot to get done. You ready?” Jensen nodded, looking a little overwhelmed but determined. Chris smirked. “Then let’s do this.”

Jared woke up and knew it was much too early for him to be waking. After a few moments to gather his awareness, he realised why. Jensen was curled into him, pressed up tight like he wanted to burrow right inside, and he was shaking. “Jen?” No response. “Jen, what is it? What’s wrong?”

“Jared.” Jensen looked up, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “I never really thought about it, thought beyond getting here and finding a mate. They’re going to send us to war. People will depend on us for protection. What if we fail? What if I’m not good enough? People, other dragons, could die because of me.”

Sighing and pulling the young dragon even closer, Jared told him, “It’s okay to be afraid, Jen. Everyone is. Even the ones who are over there now fighting. It’s a war, and people will die, some of them will be our friends, but the fact that you will go, and you will do whatever is in your power, is what makes you brave. Not always being able to prevent such loss doesn’t take away from that courage.”

“Are you afraid?” Jensen asked, voice small.

“Yes.” Jared kissed his forehead gently. “Of course I am. But we’ll be together, no matter what, so I can face that.”

Jensen nodded, but went on, “I can’t stop this feeling.”

“So don’t try.” Jared held him strong. “Give in to it this night, and tomorrow we will face a new day.”

“I love you.” Jensen whispered.

“Oh, Jen.” Jared felt his own eyes tear. “I love you, too. I always have. I always will.”

They settled in and eventually found rest in one another’s arms. Safe and secure for the time being.

Chapter V: http://lady-krystal-79.livejournal.com/40201.html

dragon wings, jared/jensen, nc-17, rps, au, chris/steve

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