Between Us - Part 2/2

May 20, 2008 22:53

Between Us - Part 2/2
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: M/M relationships
Synopsis: Jared has the perfect life, but then things start to get interesting...

As promised, Jensen was home after only a few days. He was sore, and still a little high on the residual drugs in his system, but more than anything else, he was terrified of the conversation he knew Jared was waiting to have. Every time Jared looked at him, he could see it in his eyes, trepidation hiding behind smiles and exasperation born from Jared’s acting like a mother hen. It was there, a constant question between them. Now? Jared let it go for another few days, but there were limits to his patience, and he was concerned by Jensen’s attempts to draw away and build some walls to protect himself. Finally, Jared snapped.

Jensen had just given him another one of those glances, loaded with questions he would not voice out loud, before quickly looking away once more. They were sitting side by side on the sofa, ostensibly to catch a game, but since neither of them had an interest in the teams playing; it was really quite pointless. The dogs, having been pronounced perfectly fit by the vet, were curled up at their feet. There was no better time. Jared sighed. “Enough, man. We can’t keep ignoring the frickin’ whale in the room.”

“Whale?” Jensen looked at him with mild bemusement.

“Well I would say it’s a hell of a lot larger than an itty bitty elephant.” Jared stopped at the clipped tone of his words. He wasn’t angry at Jen, only frustrated, and he had a feeling he would have to handle the other man with care for whatever revelations were to come. “We’ve been ignoring a pretty big issue, Jen, and I can feel you trying to step away from me. I won’t let you. Whatever it is you tell me, I’m not going to turn around and hurt you, okay? I told you I love you and I meant it. Now, I think it’s time you told me what is going on.”

Jensen sighed and looked so dejected Jared wanted to pull him close and tell him it didn’t matter. The problem was that he didn’t know if it mattered or not. He had to understand. So he kept silent and waited. Finally Jensen whispered, “I don’t know how.”

“Start at the beginning. What are you?” Jensen flinched. Jared immediately realised how that might have sounded. This time he did reach over and take Jensen’s chin in his hand, turning the older man to face him. “Hey, no. I didn’t mean it like that. Obviously you’re more than just plain human, but that doesn’t make you less of a person.”

Jensen blinked, took a deep breath, and answered, “I’m a Shifter.”

Jared wasn’t all that surprised at the answer. “What, like a shapeshifter?”

Jensen scowled. “Not like the ones they talk about putting on the show. I can’t become another person or anything. I can shift into various animals though.”

“Like a Pan-were.” Jared had spent some of his time on the net researching what he thought he had seen.

Surprise lit Jen’s features. “Sort of. Yes. It has no connection to the moon, but I can change at will, day or night. And I can’t pass it on, like a disease.” Jensen wrinkled his nose at that concept, but Jared could see that someone had hurt him with that assumption before. “I was born like this. It’s genetic. And there are only a few of us left.”

“Okay.” Jared smiled, and he couldn’t quite keep a note of excitement out of his voice. “So, what kind of animals?”

Jensen gave a small, hesitant, shy smile. “Anything from a cat or small dog, right up to a small pony.” He gave Jared a puzzled look. “This really doesn’t worry you, does it?”

Jared smiled like…well, like Jared in a candy store. “Why would it? This is so cool!” His smile dimmed. “But why did you trust Mike and Tom enough to tell them, but not me?” Jared had realised, over the last few days, that the other men had known what was going on the whole time.

“It really wasn’t my choice to trust them.” Jensen told him softly. “And I have good reasons for keeping it to myself. I’m sorry you feel betrayed, Jay. I never meant to hurt you.”

“Then tell me now. Everything.” Jared prompted, encouraging. He picked up Jensen’s hand, showing him that he wasn’t going anywhere.

Jensen sighed again, before starting his tale. “I didn’t know about it myself until I hit puberty. Dad sat me down and explained what I was, how it would happen, and most importantly, how we must keep it hidden. The first time I changed - into a wolf - it was incredible. I could sense everything with the wolf’s heightened senses, but I was still able to think and comprehend like a man. I thought it was wonderful.

“When I was in college, I met a guy. It was the first time I realised I might not be entirely straight. He was my first, and I thought I was in love. One night, after we’d made love, I confided my secret to him. He laughed, didn’t believe me, so I showed him. God, Jared, the look in his eyes. He was disgusted, and afraid. He called me a freak and threw me out of his room, screaming that he never wanted to see me again.”

“Jen.” Jared breathed his name, his heart hurting for the gentle man beside him. He’d known that Jensen had emotional scars, but he could only imagine how deeply such a betrayal had cut.

Mouth twisting bitterly, Jensen went on, “Well, I’d learned my lesson. I kept it very much to myself after that. Which was why I was surprised when Mike came up to me, after only a week of me shooting on Smallville, and asked me outright if I was a Shifter. I denied it. He didn’t believe me. The next thing I knew, I had an armful of angry cat, scratching up my arms. After he changed back, and redressed himself, I gave up and admitted it.”

“Mike’s a Shifter too?” Jared’s draw dropped.

Jensen’s mouth twitched with actual humour. “Yeah. What are the odds, huh? He prefers cats. Something about their sharp claws.

“So that’s how Tom knows.”

“In a round about manner.” Jensen admitted reluctantly. “Bethany, everybody’s favourite whack job, had attached herself to me in my Dark Angel days. She threatened both Michael and Jessica, but they weren’t too worried about her. Michelle, whose boyfriend I was playing on Dawson’s, was next. She was a champ about it, but I felt really bad. And when I got to Smallville it was Tom who incurred her wrath. All this time, her threats were escalating, and Mike was very concerned. He, like me, could practically smell the insanity on her notes. He told me he had a plan. He would protect Tom by becoming his pet. I doubted it would work; Tom didn’t strike me as a real animal lover. Sure enough, though, Tom took in the half feral little tabby that appeared on his doorstep.” He paused, smiling as Jared chuckled at that image. “The problem is, it is very hard to maintain a double life like that for too long. The long and the short of it is; Tom caught Mike in the act, so to speak.”

“How did he take it?” Jared asked, concerned. He knew they were all friends now, but Tom was not Clark Kent, he had a temper on him.

Jensen shrugged. “As well as can be expected. He was pretty freaked about it at first, but it didn’t take him long to come to terms with it. Then he was perfectly nice to me about it, but he did refuse to let Mike near him for a week. I thought it was Andrew all over again, but it turned out Tom was just trying to teach Mike a lesson about lying to him. He gave up in the end because…well, because Mike is Mike.”

“So that’s his name.” Jared muttered.

“Whose name?” Jensen frowned.

“The one who hurt you.” Jared didn’t even want to say his name. “I swear, if I could go back and hurt him, Jen, I would…”

Jensen silenced him with a finger against his lips. “Shhh. Its okay now, Jared. I have you.” The shy look on Jensen’s face melted whatever might have been left of Jared’s solid heart.

Letting go of Jensen’s hand, Jared brought both of his own to frame the smaller man’s face. Uncertain, hopeful green eyes gazed at him. “You sure do, Jen. You have me heart and soul, and I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.”

All of a sudden, Jensen was pulling away and, surprised, Jared let him go. As it turned out, this was the right thing to do. Jensen wasn’t trying to get away, but to get closer. Jared found himself with a lapful of Jensen, and he didn’t mind at all. Jen’s voice was a low, soft rumble. “Kiss me, Jare. Please...”

Jared groaned and pulled Jen closer before once again cupping his hands around his face. He leaned in and started to nibble at the other man’s full bottom lip. Jensen shivered. Deepening the kiss, Jared got his first taste of Jensen; minty liquid heat with a bitter touch of coffee. Beneath that was a flavour that was all Jensen’s own, and Jared started lapping into his mouth in a chase for more; long swipes of his large tongue seeking out all the secret places in Jen’s mouth. They were both panting by the time they pulled apart, and Jared could feel his hard dick pressing up against Jen’s ass. “God, when you are healed, I am going to bury myself inside you for a week.” Jared moaned.

Rocking over Jared, Jen whispered back, “Yeah, Jare. Want that too. Wanna’ feel you filling me up, an’ I wanna’ feel where you’ve been after you’re gone. Sweet ache. I want bites and bruises I can see when we’re apart. Want you to mark me up, Jare, make me yours.”

Arching up against his friend, Jared hissed, “Oh god, yeah. Want that too, baby.” As Jensen continued to rock and writhe, and with Jen’s words painting vivid pictures in his mind, Jared felt himself getting close. “I’m gonna’...if you don’t stop...Jen!”

Jensen leaned in, putting his face cheek to cheek with Jared’s, and hummed his approval. “I can almost feel you. Working me open, splitting me apa-art...” Jen’s voice cracked like he could feel it. “...coming inside of me...”

That was it. Jared gave one last thrust up against Jen and felt the orgasm flood through him. He cried out Jen’s name, and Jen made an incoherent noise in his throat before collapsing over him. They sat like that for a few minutes, panting for air. Finally, Jared said, “Ugh. I haven’t come in my pants forever.” He couldn’t stop grinning. “You have one filthy mouth on you, Jen.”

“You complainin’?” Jensen’s voice was a little more strained than Jared would have liked. He hoped he hadn’t pulled any of the staples out.

“Nuh-uh.” Jared shook his head. “I do feel disgustingly sticky, though. Let’s go get cleaned up.” That way, he could check Jen’s wound as well.

“’kay.” Jensen sounded more like he was falling asleep than worried about getting cleaned up.

The silly grin returned to Jared’s face. So, Jensen was a cuddler. Jared felt his heart swell. He wanted to hold the other man close and never let him go, keep him protected and out of harm’s way, to cherish him as much as he deserved and restore his faith in love. All this he kept to himself, sure that Jen would be less than impressed with his suddenly possessive attitude. Instead, he stood up, Jen in his arms. “Come on! Up!” He put the stunned smaller man down and rushed for the bathroom, laughing as Jen belatedly gave chase.

It would be another two weeks before Jared felt Jensen was up to any strenuous activity. This was despite the doctor’s okay and Jensen having returned to set a week earlier. He could see his hovering and mothering were driving Jensen insane, and amusing the crew to no end, but he couldn’t seem to help it. The moment when he knew his co-star was okay was, ironically, when he finally turned around and tore a strip off of Jared for calling a rest break in the middle of a scene.

Jensen had given him an incredulous look, realised exactly what he was doing, and started yelling. It had been quite a performance, and everyone had stood in silent awe when he had finished. Jared had broken the silence by throwing his arms around Jensen and laughing, “You’re alright! You’re really okay.”

“Of course I am.” Jensen had huffed, embarrassed. And production had rolled on.

So, finally Jared’s fears were laid to rest. That now meant that his mind focused on certain aspects of their relationship that had remained muted. Apart from that one memorable moment on his lounge, Jared had kept his hands off of Jensen, determined to let the other man heal properly. He also wanted Jensen to understand that he wanted him for more than his, admittedly, amazing body. They had spent nearly every evening curled up together, watching television and talking in snippets. Jared learned more about Jensen every day. He thought he had known him already, but with every revealed truth, Jared came to understand that under the bravado and bonhomie there was a rather uncertain, vulnerable man who had been hurt and abused throughout his life. Jared wanted to build up his confidence, and make him sure enough to trust in his own judgement to trust Jared. He didn’t even seem to have the self-assurance to actively partake in their relationship. So it came as a huge surprise when it was Jensen who made the first move.

They were sitting on the lounge watching the game; like countless other nights they had spent together. They had barely made it to the half-time break before Jensen was crawling onto Jared’s lap and nuzzling at his neck. Surprised, Jared jerked back. “Jen?”

Jensen looked down before backing away, curling himself into the furthest corner of the sofa - no easy feat for a six foot something man. “I’m sorry. I doesn’t matter.”

“Jen.” Jared reached out, but Jensen pulled back impossibly further, so he dropped his hand between them. “Of course it matters. What’s wrong?”

Still Jensen wouldn’t look at him. “You, don’t really want me anymore, do you? It’s okay.” Jensen rushed to reassure. “Most people wouldn’t want someone me. I get it.”

Jared felt sick. Rejected too often, Jensen believed Jared had changed his mind now that he knew the truth about him. Jared hadn’t imagined that Jensen would interpret his restraint as backing away. He had unwittingly hurt the one person he had wanted to protect. Reaching to gather the other man close, he started, “Jensen...”

“No! Please, don’t pretend.” He sounded like his heart was breaking. “Just let me...”

Swiping at his eyes to clear what he thought were tears blurring them, Jared discovered it was, in fact, the phenomenon he had observed when Rusty had transformed into Jensen. This, apparently, was the reverse process. Suddenly, the malamute he had come to think of as his was in front of him once more. The message was clear. Jared had loved Rusty, so Jensen would be what Jared needed him to be. If Jared needed a dog, then he, Jensen, would be a dog. Jared’s heart shattered. He took the dog’s head in his hands and peered into the green eyes he really should have recognised as Jen’s all along. “Jen. This isn’t what I want. It’s true, I loved Rusty, but it was you. All along it was you; your kindness, your sensitivity, your support. I fell in love with my co-star, not my dog. My best friend was always you, even when I thought it was my part time pet. Please, Jen, change back?” Rusty whimpered an instant before the air began to shimmer. Jared let go and sat back and, in that curiously quick moment, Jared had Jensen kneeling at his feet. Naked Jensen. Perfect. Jared leaned forward again and wrapped his hand gently around Jensen’s throat, stroking his thumb over the racing pulse there. “You’re so perfect. I didn’t want to push you, or make you think it was just physical. The only thing that kept my hands off of you was your injury.”

“Really?” Despite being completely unconcerned by his nakedness, Jensen gave him a shy little smile.

“Really.” Jared smiled widely before taking Jensen’s mouth with his own. Jensen opened up under the kiss, complete submission that made Jared’s protective, possessive streak increase ten-fold. “Since you mentioned it, I have been thinking about the best way to mark you and make you mine.” Jared murmured against his lips. “It’s been making me crazy, not being able to.”

“Jared.” Jensen moaned.

“I want to take you to bed, tie you down, and claim you in every way possible.” His hands travelled down the sleekly muscled body before him. He barely heard Jensen’s whispered answer.


Jared stilled and looked down into Jensen’s eyes. They were already blown wide, more pupil than iris. He hadn’t expected such a reaction. “You really want that, don’t you?” He didn’t anticipate, or get, an answer. “Come on. We need a bed for this.” He stood up and helped his friend to his feet before leading him up the stairs and into his room. “Lay down for me, Jen.” Jared quickly stripped while he watched Jensen pad gracefully over to the bed and lay face down on it.

When Jared had hit upon the idea of tying Jen up, he had looked into it. It wasn’t overly complicated, but he hadn’t wanted to scare Jen off either. So he went to the wardrobe and took out two ties he had bought expressly for this purpose. Returning to the bed, he sat beside Jen, running his hand up the smaller man’s back to let him know he was there, and to soothe him. Jensen relaxed under his touch, so Jared tied one tie to the bed head, and then wrapped the other end around Jen’s slim wrist. Jensen made a noise in his throat, and Jared recognised it as a pleased sound. He reached over and repeated the process. “You okay, Jen?” The rumbling response he got was mostly understandable as an affirmative. It made Jared smile. Jen looked good tied to his bed, naked and wanting him, Jared.

Unable to wait any longer, Jared covered Jensen with his body, and he could feel the other man shiver beneath him. Propping himself on his elbows, Jared started nibbling at Jen’s neck, making him shiver again. From there, he began a leisurely path across Jen’s shoulders, down his spine and over every inch of flesh he could find. When he could, he would suck as much flesh into his mouth as he could, worrying it and leaving a blossoming bruise behind. Every time he did it, Jen shuddered and moaned. Jared moved down, palming Jen’s ass in his big hands before leaning down and repeating the marking on the firm cheeks. Jen jerked and cried out, so Jared moved lower still, attacking the sensitive flesh where ass and thigh met, and this time Jen wailed. “More. Please, Jare, more...”

Like the proverbial Boy Scout, Jared was prepared for the next step. While he moved back over Jen, reaching over into his bedside table for lube, he asked, “Do you have a safe word?”

Jensen jerked, obviously surprised, but answered with wry acrimony, “Werewolf.”

The readiness of Jensen’s answer told Jared that he had done this before. Curious, Jared asked, “Who did you trust enough to let them do this to you?”

Sighing, Jensen replied, “There were times I didn’t care...that I would let anyone...”

“Shhh.” Jared soothed. “It doesn’t matter now. I’m gonna’ take care of you.” As he spoke, Jared pressed a slick fingertip to Jen’s hole. Jen tried to arch back into it, press it inside. Jared let him, and the heat was incredible. He pressed deeper, until his whole finger lay inside. “I’m gonna’ give you exactly what you want, what we both want. You with me, Jen?”

“Yeah, Jared. I’m with you. More.” So Jared worked another finger into Jen, just as slowly as the first. “Oh god, please, another.” Jared hesitated, but Jen continued to beg, so he pushed a third finger in and curled them up inside of Jen, seeking his prostate and finding it. Or, at least, he was pretty sure that was what made Jen gasp and wriggle beneath him. “I’m ready. Jared, I’m ready, I swear. Please...please...”

Jared slowly slid his fingers from Jen’s body and quickly slicked himself with more of the lube. He hoped Jen was telling the truth. He hoped he had opened him enough. He hoped...dear god, he hoped Jen didn’t expect him to stop this now that he had started. The head of his erection slid into Jen like it belonged there, and Jen whimpered. Jared pulled out again, making Jensen curse. It didn’t last long, as Jared spread Jen’s legs wider and kneeled between them. Gripping the smaller man’s hips, he manoeuvred Jen until he was also kneeling, arms still bound low so he rested his upper half on the bed. The ass up position was like an offering, and Jared accepted the invite, pushing into Jensen carefully once more. This time he didn’t stop, but kept up an inexorable pressure until he was half buried in the hot, tight passage. Jensen was panting out pleading sounds that might have been words. “We still good, Jen?” Jared had to know.

Jensen huffed out in annoyance. “Jared. I am not made of glass. You won’t break me with a little rough handling.”

“I know that, but I don’t want to hurt you..”

“I know, Jare. And I trust you. That’s why I don’t mind you being a little rough.”

“Okay.” Jared murmured. “Okay, Jen.” He used his hold on Jensen’s slim hips to pull him backwards as Jared pushed forwards. It was still slow, but Jared didn’t let up until he was balls deep in his best friend. Jensen was now stretched out completely, his arms and body at full stretch. He was twisting slightly in Jared’s hold, mewling at every slight turn he was allowed. Jared bit his lip, so turned on by the feel and the sounds that he just wanted to pound into Jen. Instead, he used the last of his control to slowly withdraw, before thrusting back in, faster this time. Jensen gave a sob, but it wasn’t from pain, so Jared did it again…and again. After that, it was easy to settle into a rhythm of sorts, out slow, in fast, twist left, wriggle right, a dance where he was the leader and Jen helplessly followed him.

Jensen started tugging at his bonds, struggling in Jared’s grip, but he hadn’t said his safe word, so Jared kept up his relentless driving motions. Finally, Jensen cried out, “Please...I need...touch me...” Immediately, Jared reached around and wrapped his hand around Jen’s cock. It was slippery with pre-come and twitching at finally being touched. Jared began to stroke it in time with his thrusts, his grip firm, the way he liked it himself. Jensen was mewling again, his whole body shaking, so close, so close. He groaned out, “Please, Jare...please let me come...”

Jared jerked in surprise, making Jen moan once more. It hadn’t occurred to him that Jen would need his permission. He quickly adapted to this situation, leaning forward and covering Jen with his body before speeding up his thrusts. He put his mouth to Jen’s ear and ordered, deep and low, “Now, Jen. Come for me.”

With a shout, Jensen came, his strung out body straining to cope with the swamping sensations of pleasure. Jared continued to thrust, feeling Jen’s inner muscles clenching around him in waves. His hand on Jen’s cock kept up its motion, working him through the pulses of his orgasm. Jared was so focused on the other man that his own impending climax crept up on him, suddenly realising he was about to come himself. It started as a tingle at the base of his spine, quickly becoming an overwhelming flood of bliss. Lost in his own pleasure, he thrust hard into Jen over and over again, filling him with his seed and truly branding him as his own.

They collapsed together on the bed, but Jared had enough of his wits to carefully pull out of his friend’s lax body and settle beside him. After a few moments to catch his breath, he reached out and begun to untie Jensen’s bonds. Removing the first tie, he saw how they had cut into his slim wrists. Tomorrow there would be bruises. Jared rubbed it to make sure there was circulation. He repeated the process with the other tie. Jared laid down again, gathering Jensen to himself. Jensen curled closer, humming softly with contentment. Regardless, Jared had to ask, “Are you okay, Jen?”

“Mmmmmm.” Jensen sounded drugged, but took a deep breath and managed, “So good.”

“I, uh...didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No.” Jensen lifted his head and smiled at Jared. It was the happiest smile Jared had ever seen on his friend’s face, and his eyes were alight with satisfaction. “You gave me everything I could have wanted. I...I needed you to want me like that, to make it clear that I was yours.”

“Oh, you’re mine alright. And I’m yours, Jen. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I will never purposefully hurt you. If you need something from me, I’ll give it to you, and you’ll give me what I need too. Do you believe me?” That was the trick with Jensen; making him believe that what you were saying was true.

Jensen stared at him, serious and thoughtful, and then he nodded. “Yes. I believe you.” He smiled again, like he was surprised that he did. “I trust you.” He laid down again with his head resting under Jared’s chin. “And I love you.”

“I love you too, Jen. Everything you are. You’re amazing to me.”

“No more than you are to me. Accepting what I am...” He stopped. “You’ve given me back a part of myself, Jared. I can be what I am without fear. I can enjoy it once more, instead of being cursed by it.”

“Does that mean Rusty will still drop by from time to time?” Jared grinned impishly.

Jensen laughed, one of those surprised laughs that Jared had so come to love. “I think that can be arranged. But, man, if your dogs sniff my butt one more time, I swear...”

It was Jared’s turn to laugh. “I promise. From now on, your butt belongs to me.”

“Damn straight.”

So, Jared had thought his life couldn’t have been better. He’d had a family that supported him, a girl that loved him, and two dogs that adored him. His career had taken off, his co-star was a pretty decent guy, and he was living in the perfect house. He’d been wrong. His life now was better than ever before. His family was still supportive, his girl still loved him - as a friend - and his dogs (all three of them) still adored him. His career was still climbing and his co-star had become his best friend. His house was still perfect, but now it had proper locks and a high tech security system. The best thing of all, though, was that his best friend was also his lover, and they were in love. His life had taken twists he had never imagined, and he was more than grateful that it had, because this? This was more than he had ever hoped for. Jensen was more than he could have hoped for. They had come to terms with one another in a much shorter time than either had expected. It had taken only a few words.

“Nothing will come between us, Jen. I could never find another you and, hey, I’m one of a kind.”

“Yes, you most certainly are. Between us. I like the sound of that.”


jared/jensen, nc-17, between us, rps, slash

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