History is Written by the Victor - Part 3

May 23, 2010 14:49

History is Written by the Victor
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Pairings: Jensen/Jared, Chris/Steve, Tom/Mike
Category: M/M, AU, Futuristic (i.e. it is set in space!)
Summary: The Core planets have declared war on the Rim planets. When Captain Ackles and his squadron are taken prisoner by the enemy, their jailer turns out to be a young man called Jared. What will Jared do when Jensen's interrogation begins?


Part Three

Jeff stood on the Bridge, watching the unbroken black of space at jump speed pulse like a living thing. It wasn’t something he had ever quite become accustomed to. It seemed malevolent to him, like it was just waiting for a chance to crush them. However, seasoned traveller that he was, he kept this emotion from his face, appearing unaffected for his crew. At the moment, he was also feeling the low thrum of anticipation and the shivery excitement of approaching battle. His contacts had been able to get the last known co-ordinates for the enemy’s flag ship, and its next intended destination. Jeff had made a very calculated estimate and was now only minutes from arriving at this point in space. If he was right, they were jumping head first into a battle. If he was wrong...he didn’t want to contemplate that. He wasn’t sure how much longer Jensen would survive now that they had surely started his interrogation. They needed to strike now, and strike hard, hopefully garnering an advantage from their surprise attack.

“Ten seconds to end-jump.” The announcement was made ship-wide. Jeff braced himself.

“In five...four...three...two...one...”

Klaxons sounded their proximity warning, and Jeff smiled like a space-pirate who had found an abandoned wreck. The flagship of the enemy fleet sat in twinkling space before them; twice their size, half their age and armed to the teeth. Jeff hit the comm. “Fire! All guns, full barrage!” He hit another button. “Fighters, launch!”

Jeff watched with satisfaction as the enemy vessel rocked under the intense fire. It was now or never for Jensen and his squadron. Jeff fervently hoped it wasn’t ‘never’.

Beaver rushed to Jensen’s side; took in the wide, dilated eyes and sweaty, flushed skin. The fast-acting Serum had already taken affect. “Jared!” The young man came over immediately. “Get him up and moving around. It will make the drug pass more quickly through his system. And get him talking. Fighting the effects will only make it worse. I have to get to my surgery, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. Understood?”

Jared nodded and bent to his task, not even turning to see the doctor leave. “C’mon, Jen. We need you up and about.”

“Why s’it jus’ cos’ a guy likes t’bottom, they think s’a girl? M’not. Not a girl.” Jensen slurred.

The words momentarily brought Jared to a complete halt, having to close his eyes at the images of having the strong captain writhing with pleasure under him. With a deep breath, Jared changed the subject. “So, how did you end up joining the air squad?”

Jared listened as Jensen detailed his life. It had started when his father had been one of the hundreds of men assassinated on the inner rim planets for speaking out against the rising tyranny of the core. His older brother had been flying the trade routes - Jensen too - before their association with their father and his shipping company made them ‘subjects of interest’ to the Core Police. Josh, his brother, had been taken for questioning, and returned three months later minus his arm and with a permanent limp. When the rim planets had formed a rebellion, Josh had been ineligible, but Jensen had joined, determined to overthrow the corrupt power that had brought pain and suffering upon his family. His resolve, intelligence and courage had seen him rise quickly through the ranks.

The whole time he talked, Jared kept Jensen walking around the cell, and his words came out in breathless bursts. Jensen’s heart was racing; Jared could feel its frantic beat against the arm he had slung around the smaller man for support. It worried him, but this was what the doctor had told him to do, so Jared kept them moving, even as Jensen began to stumble and grow heavier in his arms.

“Tell me about yourself.” Jared was wracking his brain for safe topics, and that was the first thing that had come to mind.

Jensen took him at his word and started at the beginning. His fondest memory was sitting on his father’s lap at five years of age, the controls of a freighter before him, his father’s grip on them easy and steady. He had grown up as comfortable in the black depths of space as on the richly soiled plains of his home planet. Academics had come easily to him, but he had excelled only in those subjects useful to his father’s business. He, his brother, and their younger sister were close, and they had loved their parents. The loss of their father had only pulled those bonds tighter. Lovers were something else that had easily come his way. He’d had his first girlfriend at fifteen, his first boyfriend at seventeen, and many of both since. Jensen told Jared how he felt guilty about the people he had hurt, the ones who had thought it would be permanent. It wasn’t, he defended himself, that he couldn’t settle on one person. It was just that he hadn’t met that one person yet. He had seen the love between his parents, and he wanted that for himself.

From there, his mind flitted back to how it had been to grow up in a farming community. Food had never been a problem, but water had been precious. People had pulled together in the hard times and rejoiced in the good times. It reminded Jared of his own home, and he ached for something now lost to him.

The Serum must have been losing its hold, for Jensen’s words had begun to slow, as had his racing heart. Now he looked at Jared and must have seen the wistful longing on his face. “You look like you have a story of your own.” His voice went up, making it half question.

Jared smiled sadly and shook his head. “Ask me again sometime.” They had stopped walking. “How are you doing?”

“I think the worst of it is over.” He looked up into Jared’s eyes. “Thank you.”

Jared shrugged, inordinately pleased by the gratitude and trying desperately to hide it. He took a deep breath and looked around the cell block and its occupants. “Do you, ahhhh...think you might be strong enough to make a run for it?”

Jensen looked at him sharply, but Jared wouldn’t meet his eyes. “What?”

“I thought, maybe, in the confusion of the attack, you might be able to escape...” Even as he spoke, the Battle Cruiser shook when another volley hit its side.

Chris spoke up. “Jen? Can you make it?”

Straightening up and stepping away from Jared’s support, Jensen assessed his ability to move about on his own. “I’ll make it.” He looked at their jailer, and his conscience gnawed at him. “What will happen to you when they find us gone?”

“I thought you might take me with you.” Jared looked at them all. “I know I’m not much of a hostage...”

“You’ll do.” Chris said gruffly. “Now, let us out.”

Jared’s hand didn’t hesitate even a moment when he reached out and slammed it against the door release. The cell doors slid open smoothly, and the occupants were out of them like a shot. Meanwhile, Jared started pulling at his clothing and running his fingers through his hair until it stood up in all directions. Jensen sidled up behind him and, in a lightening quick move Jared wouldn’t have thought him capable of making, he pulled Jared’s hands behind his back. “One last thing...” the smaller man breathed against Jared’s ear, making him shiver.


Jensen smirked at the crack in Jared’s voice and the hitch in his breathing when Jensen held both his hands in one of his, reaching around with the other and sliding it down towards Jared’s belt. With another sudden movement, Jared found his wrists enclosed in his own EM cuffs. Jared scowled at the captain.

Mack laughed. “That was a dirty trick, Captain. And hot. When you two get together, can I watch?”

“Shut up, Mack.” Jensen smirked. “Chris, bring along our hostage.”

Chris took Jared’s elbow and lead him from the room, murmuring, “Just remember, kid. Turnabout is fair play.” Jared shuddered, a wicked smile on his face, as he imagined what could be done to a certain captain cuffed to his bed. He was distracted from these delicious thoughts when Steve asked which direction they needed to go.

Just as Jared had thought, in the chaos, with people running about the cruiser intent on their own orders, no one even looked at the group moving down the corridors at a rushed pace. They were almost to the launch bay when a voiced called out, “Hey! Dumbasses!”

The escapees turned as one, but it was Jensen who answered. “Hey, Doc. Just go on back to the sick bay, pretend you never saw us. Please.”

“I have an obligation, boy.” Beaver moved towards them. They were all reluctant to raise a hand to this man whom they had come to respect. Beaver proved once more that their trust wasn’t misplaced. “I have this patient, you see. He was drugged recently, shouldn’t be running around...” He winked at Jensen, who just kind of gaped at him. “Hell, I make a far better hostage than the kid, should it come to that.”

“Fine.” It was Steve who grabbed the Doctor’s arm and pulled him into their midst. “We don’t have time to stand about. Let’s move!”

Jolted into action, they made their way quickly to the launch bay. They paused just inside the doorway to assess what kind of transport they could avail themselves of, and were met with an astonishing sight. “Those are our fighters!” Tom exclaimed. And they were. The five black fighters sat in a quiet corner of the bay, far from the bustling techs preparing for the return of their own squadrons. It was like the familiar ships were just waiting for their return.

“Problem.” Chris pointed out. “Five fighters only have five seats. What about our two ‘hostages’?”

“Easy.” Beaver supplied. “Captain Ackles can’t fly yet. I’ll pilot a shuttle for the two of us...” he nodded at a nearby medical shuttle, “...and Jared can pilot the fifth fighter.”

“Can you?” Mack looked at Jared who simply nodded. She stepped over and unlocked the EM cuffs. “Then we’d best get you out of those.”

“I’m fine.” Jensen protested.

“Uh huh.” Jared made a scoffing sound. “I can see you shaking from the effort of getting this far. How are you going to handle the stress of piloting a fighter across a battlefield?”

“He’s right, Jen. What the Doc says makes sense. You’ve done enough. Let the rest of us bring this one home. Okay?”

Jensen looked at Chris for a moment, and then he nodded, shoulders slumping. “Be careful. Nothing fancy. Don’t notify the fleet we’re coming until the last second. The Doc and I will follow you in.”

The group parted. No one questioned the Doctor making his way to the medical shuttle, nor did they make a fuss when he and the man with him got inside and started to power up. No one noticed the small crowd that swarmed over the black fighters until it was too late. When they powered up the great, black birds, the techs finally looked up. Frantically, they waved for them to stop. In the shuttle, Jensen could hear the sudden radio bursts. “Someone is in the enemy fighters...powered up...ignoring instruction...taking off...”

“Here we go.” Beaver murmured.

“Med One. You are not cleared for take-off. Repeat, you are not...” The voice cut out at the flick of a switch.

“How long do you think we’ve got?” Jensen asked.

“Long enough to get out of the launch bay, not much more.” Beaver answered without looking away from the controls.

“Well alright then.” Jensen strapped himself in and took hold of the co-pilot’s controls. At a glance from Beaver, he said, “I may not be in top form, Doc, but I’m still more like a fighter pilot than you, and we just don’t know how this one will work out.” The Doctor glanced at him again and simply nodded.

The shuttle had barely cleared the launch bay doors when four of the black fighters came whooshing out. The fifth came out backwards, shooting back into the interior of the bay. Although they couldn’t hear the explosions, there was no doubt that the fighter was doing some damage; white flashes and flames flickered within. Then, suddenly, the fires went out, and Jensen realised that the air shield which kept oxygen within the launch bay even when the giant doors were open had been hit.

Jensen turned the comms to a particular frequency and voices suddenly filled the shuttle. “...sus, Chris! Are you insane?”

“Well, they won’t be sending anyone after us that way, will they?” Chris sounded smug.

“Cut the chatter.” Jensen barked, and got instant silence. “We need you to cut a path for the shuttle. We have no weapons in this thing, and it won’t be long until the enemy squadrons learn what happened. And keep an eye on our guys too. There is no guarantee we’ll be recognised, trusted...or welcomed.” He received confirmation from the five pilots.

Four of the fighters banked away, almost invisible against the black backdrop of space. The fifth stayed with them, a deadly guard dog. They skirted the edge of the battle, trying to look inconspicuous, but the word must have gone out, and the white shuttle with its red cross had become a pretty obvious target. Jensen wasn’t sure who had stayed with them, but they sure had their job cut out for them. The shuttle shook and rattled at the near misses, its engines whining as it was pushed into manoeuvres it had never been designed for. The fighters up ahead were doing their best to draw fire and attention to themselves, leaving a more or less open corridor for the shuttle to pass through.

“Commander! Commander Morgan!” Jeff turned from the simulated battle holo on the command deck to see Mike gesturing wildly from the comms centre. He strode across the room to Mike’s side. “Commander, we’re getting reports from the squads that five black fighters have joined the battle! They came from the battle cruiser and appear to be surrounding a medical shuttle.”

“Are they ours?” Jeff had never heard of any other squadron with black fighters, but he refused to raise his hopes too soon.

“I don’t know. No one can get close enough to see the markings or the pilots. They’re under heavy attack from the enemy, and our guys are of half a mind to assume it’s simply a ploy and take them out as well.”

Jeff glanced at the holo across the room and spotted the white shuttle and its escort. He watched for a moment before turning back to Mike. “They sure as hell fly like our boys. Switch to frequency zero-nine-seven-five-three.”

“Frequency zero-nine-seven-five-three.” Mike frowned as he adjusted the comms. “That isn’t a standard frequency.”

“No. It isn’t.” Was all Jeff said. Anything else he might have added was lost to sudden voices.

“...ting hammered here. We need to get moving!” Mack’s voice was clear, and concerned.

“The shuttle is already at its limits.” That was Jensen, and Jeff breathed out a shallow sigh.

“Hang on! We’re nearly through the thick of it.” Tom was grimly optimistic.

“Tom!’” Mike couldn’t help himself.


“You bet your tight little ass, flyboy!”

“Jeff?” Jensen again.

“Right here, Jensen. You want us to send some help your way?”

“Hell, no. This is the best skirmish we’ve had for ages!” Was the unsurprising answer from Chris, who finally remembered himself. “Uhhh, Commander.”

“I’d like to keep it quiet for a little longer. Friendly fire has been known to occur in this kind of chaos. Once we’re through to our own fleet, give them the word.” Jensen was serious.

“Understood. You got it.” Jeff agreed and switched off the connection.

Lowly, almost under his breath, Mike asked, “Was he suggesting what I think he was?”

“Jensen seems to suspect that someone in our own ranks was responsible for their situation.” Jeff sighed again, this time with weariness.”God, I wish he was wrong.”

The thickest fighting, of course, was taking place where the two fleets met. There were fighters everywhere, and the only thing keeping the pilots from firing upon their own in the no-way-is-up of space was the identification beacons broadcasting their warning signal. Neither side was picking up anything from the black fighters, making them fair game for both sides. Chris was whooping as he spiralled around and under and through, cutting a path with deadly accuracy while he was at it. Mirroring him was Steve, who remained silent as he coolly picked his targets out of the sky. Mack was like lightning, flitting in and out of the battle, appearing to disappear just when a pilot thought he had a lock on her. Tom was the steady centre of the maelstrom, simply shooting away at whatever enemy crossed his path. Jared, whom Jensen had discovered was piloting their guard fighter, remained at the rear, fending off anything that flew too close. Beaver kept his white-knuckled hold on the flight controls of the shuttle, a better pilot than Jensen had had any right to expect. Jensen felt useless; forced to watch from the sidelines, until Beaver make a low, panicked sound.

“Captain!” Jensen saw it. An entire squadron had peeled away from the main battle and was heading straight for them. “That’s Spider’s men; the elite.” There were eight of them, to Jensen’s five. Jensen nodded to Beaver, who nodded grimly in reply and released the controls, leaving Jensen in control of the shuttle.

“Heads up, guys! Eight enemy fighters heading our way.”

“Got it.” The other pilots almost replied as one. They moved into something resembling a battle formation around the shuttle. Another two pilots joined the oncoming squadron, swelling their numbers to double Jensen’s. Even Chris was silent now.

“Concentrate on your own defence and taking out those fighters. Don’t worry about us.” Jensen told them.

“Jensen! No!” Surprisingly, that had been Steve.

“You have your orders and I expect you to follow them.” Jensen gritted out, and then shut off the comm. “Sorry, Doc. I have to look out for my people.”

“It’s okay, kiddo. I understand.”

“Here they come.” Jensen murmured, and then the battle was upon them.

Jeff could admit to himself that he had more than half of his attention on one small segment of the battle instead of on the majority of his forces. It wasn’t that he valued the rest of their lives cheaply. No, Jeff took every loss of life to heart. It was simply that here were men and women who had, against the odds, returned to him alive. Also, they had it harder than anyone else, not really knowing where their next enemy may come from. So it was with growing horror that Jeff watched an attack group form and fall upon Black Squadron.

Making sure to keep Mike’s view blocked, he stared at the holographic battle like he could control the outcome by willpower alone. “Come on. Come on. Get out of there. You can’t let them get you now.”

Beaver swore and held on to his restraints as Jensen pushed the shuttle into a steep dive, just avoiding a round of blasts. This brought them more or less underneath the main battle group. Jensen’s eyes flitted over the many gauges and he seemed to make a decision. He reached out and pressed a button that sealed the cockpit off from the main shuttle. The seal was completed with a soft hiss, and Jensen warned, “Hang on tight, Doc. It’s time we evened up these odds.”

Beaver didn’t have time to ask what he meant. He was too busy cussing as Jensen brought the shuttle up almost as sharply as he had taken it down, flying it just about straight up, behind one the attacking fighters, almost close enough to scratch the paint off their roof. At the last minute, Jensen jammed the controls down again, and the engines screamed as they tried to change direction. The end result, however, was the shuttle’s rear end flicking up, crashing into the underside of the fighter they had been passing behind. The weight, size and momentum of the shuttle provided enough force to send the fighter spinning out of control, end over nose, only to be blasted into fragments seconds later by an opportunistic Mack.

“You crazy son of a bitch!” Beaver yelled over the alarm sirens which indicated a hull breach. “If you take out our engines, this is all over!”

“I was aiming to not hit the engines.” Jensen replied calmly even as he threw the shuttle sideways to pass between two fighters. Now that he was in control, Jensen felt much better. He shut of the sirens and twisted the shuttle back around. A couple of lucky blasts hit the already damaged back, and Jensen ignored them in favour of grinning maniacally and making his next move.

“Oh my god! He’s as crazy as the rest of them!” Jared knew it had to have been Jensen who made that insane manoeuvre in the shuttle. He had been shocked and amazed and horrified all at once, watching the shuttle bat a fighter into a spin. In that fraction of a second that he was distracted, another fighter locked on his tail and, no matter what Jared did, he couldn’t shake it. So, instead, he decided to face it straight on, and brought his fighter around to play a deadly game of chicken. The other pilot must have approved, for he kept coming straight at him.

When he saw the shuttle above and fast approaching, he didn’t have the luxury of wondering what it might be up to. So Jared was as surprised as the enemy pilot must have been when the shuttle nose-dived between them. The larger craft was closer to the enemy fighter than Jared’s, but Jared didn’t see how close until the shuttle had passed through...taking the enemy’s nose and main cannon with it! Not one to miss a chance, Jared fired upon the crippled fighter and watched it explode.

The two fighters that had joined the attack force had been the first to get picked off. Tom had taken out one of Spider’s pilots before a strafe of blaster fire had streaked across his wing, leaving him struggling to do anything but keep his fighter flying towards the Battle Cruiser. Chris and Steve had flown in tandem, providing protection one moment and attacking the next. They took out a fighter each. The three remaining fighters re-grouped and must have decided they were too outnumbered to attack again, for they peeled away, rejoining the major fighting force.

And suddenly, they were among the Rim forces. A couple of fighters flew close before sweeping away, only to return moments later, guns blazing!

”Commander. We have identified four of our pilots. There is no sign of Captain Ackles. Commencing attack on enemy pilot.”

Jeff leaped across the room to the comms centre. He knew Jensen was out there and, after what he had heard and seen, he assumed he was piloting the shuttle. Mack’s voice came through on the Black Squadron’s frequency.

”They’re firing on us!”

”No.” And there was the proof that Jensen was among them. ”They’re firing on Jared. Damn it!”’

“Cease fire on all Black Squadron fighters!” Jeff barked out over the comms. “Confirmed all friendly. Repeat, all friendly. Let them through, people.”

Jensen was about to take drastic measures and place the shuttle in the firing line when he heard Jeff’s orders. The attack stopped immediately, and Jensen sighed. Looking out, he could see their destination ahead of them. And then his vision blurred. He shook his head, but it didn’t help. “Sorry, Doc. I think you’re gonna’ have to take us in...”

Beaver looked at him sharply. “Captain? Hey! Jensen!” The last thing Jensen heard as his sight disappeared with his awareness, was Beaver’s chiding. “God damn stupid, stubborn, idiotic...”


jared/jensen, nc-17, history is written by the victor, space!fic, au

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