Dress Me Up, Hold Me Down

Jan 16, 2009 23:42

This was my response to the blindfold_spn prompt "Jared and Jensen role-play as bullying horny jock and pretty unwilling cheerleader. They dress up for the part too!
bottom!Jensen, pretty!Jensen, hunk!Jared, rape-fantasy, dress ups, cross-dressing."

Dress Me Up, Hold Me Down
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17

“Where’s your roommate?”

Jensen spun around, surprised by the sudden presence of another in his room. With some heat, he replied, “He’s out with the rest of your buddies. What are you doing here?”

“Aww, Jenny, now don’t be like that. I really only came by in case you were here.”

Seeing the predatory gleam in Jared’s eyes, Jensen felt suddenly trapped. The football team, including his roommate and Jared, were the bane of Jensen’s existence. They seemed to be of the opinion, often vocalized, that being a cheerleader was a less than manly pastime. Because running around bumping heads and getting into the personal space of other men was so much manlier. “Just say whatever you’ve come to say and get out, Jared.”

Jared stalked across the room, as dangerous as the lion that was the team mascot, and Jensen braced himself. Was this it? Was this the time it was going to spill over into physical violence instead of remaining verbal? There were few people in the dorm tonight, most having gone out to celebrate their victory on the football field. Jensen had elected to return to his room and study. No one on the cheer squad was going to miss him at the victory party anyway. He was beginning to regret that decision. Jared stopped in front of him; six foot four of well-toned muscle and trained power ready to do whatever Jared felt the whim to do. Jensen closed his eyes and tried to prepare himself for the first blow. To his startlement, what he got was a gentle hand holding his jaw firmly and lifting his face. Jensen’s eyes fluttered open to see what was going on. Jared’s eyes still held that unholy glitter, but there was no hate, only heat. Too late, Jensen realised what was happening. His eyes went wide. “No wonder all those cheerleader girls hate you so much. You’re prettier than any of them. My god, look at those eyes, all big and innocent. And that mouth…so plump and ready to be plundered.”

“Don’t.” Jensen wished he had sounded more sure, less like a trembling virgin. “You’ll b-be missed at the party. I’ll report you to the police.” Then softer, despairing, “Please don’t...”

A large finger over his lips stopped Jensen’s words and brought a taught smile to Jared’s face. “Oh, we’re doing this, pretty Jenny. And you won’t be reporting it to anyone. Do you really anyone will believe you? Do you think the school will risk losing its best player over the claims of a cheerleader?” Jensen took a shaky breath, and Jared knew he believed him. In a parody of jauntiness, Jared went on, “I’ll tell you what. I’ll let you know exactly what we’re gonna’ do so you don’t have to spend the whole time worrying ‘bout what comes next. How does that sound?”

Jensen tried to look away, but Jared held him fast. He briefly tried to struggle against that hold, but Jared’s fingers just tightened cruelly until he subsided. Jensen shut his eyes against the shame welling up in him, trying to keep the burning dampness at bay, and failing.

Jared watched a tear track its way down one pale, freckled cheek with fascination. Wanting to see more, he ordered, “Open your eyes.” Jensen hesitated, so Jared squeezed his jaw again in warning. His eyes fluttered open unwillingly, and Jared stared. “Your eyes are so bright like this, so green and wet.” Tears clung to Jensen’s long, long lashes, catching the light and sparkling. Jared was already hard. “Mmmm, I think we’ll ease you into this. We’ll start with you on your knees. You’re gonna’ take out my cock and suck on it to get it all nice and wet. If you do a good job, I’ll lube you up on a couple of fingers before I fuck you. If you bite me, we’ll see how far I can get with spit before you bleed. And if I like the way things are going after that, I’ll even make sure you come.”

“No.” Jensen had found his voice. “I’m not gonna’ just let you rape me. I’ll fight you.” Even as he spoke, he brought his hands up to try and pry Jared’s hand away from his chin. He wasn’t a small man, and he was as much an athlete as the man before him, but he couldn’t budge Jared’s hold.

Jared’s other hand came up and, in a lightning move, he released Jensen’s chin only to grab both wrists and hold them out to the sides. “You could fight me. In fact, I might even like that. But you’re the one who’ll get hurt. The more you struggle, the more I’ll be forced to harm you, and if you try to run, I’ll tie you down and take what I want anyway. Do we have an understanding?” Jensen stared at him, horror and resignation warring in his eyes. Impatient, Jared wrenched Jensen’s arms behind hid back and transferred both wrists to one hand. This close, Jared could feel the trembling in the smaller man. With a smirk, he leaned down and in to growl in Jensen’s ear, “I said, do we have an understanding?”

Jensen hesitated a moment longer before he capitulated and his shoulders slumped. “Yes.”

“Good boy.” Jared shoved him away, and Jensen stumbled before catching himself on the dresser. “One last thing before we start. Strip out of those tight little shorts you’re wearing and put this on.”

Jensen was still wearing his cheer squad uniform, which included a pair of rather skimpy shorts and a fitting singlet shirt. Jared was wearing his football practice uniform which, though looser than Jensen’s outfit, didn’t hide the strongly muscled body it contained. From the back band of his shorts he had pulled a scrap of material, and now Jensen recognised it with dismay. He took it, quickly hooked it around his waist before yanking off the shorts he had been wearing, and looked up at Jared, his cheeks burning with humiliation.

“Wow. That’s real pretty, Jen.” Jared drawled. He admired Jensen, blushing and uncomfortable in the short little netball skirt Jared had just handed him. He was slim and finely-boned, but certainly not effeminate, not with those bow legs and the soft swell bulging out the front of the skirt. “Nice, easy access. Now, on your knees.” With grace that had as much to do with nature as training, Jensen fell to his knees. He kept his eyes down, and the submissive pose only inflamed Jared more. “Good. “ He stepped closer. “Take me out.”

Sighing, Jensen reached up with visibly shaking hands. He was trying not to look, not to think about what he was doing, but Jared took his head in his hands and held him so he had no choice but to look straight ahead. Freeing Jared’s cock was an easy enough matter, and Jensen shuddered out a breath at the size of it. “Jared... No, please, I can’t...”

“Yes, you can. Just suck on the head. Go on.”

Jensen shook his head, panic creeping into his features. “I’ve never... It’s too much...”

Jared sighed as though disappointed and shifted his hold on Jensen’s head. Quickly and brutally, Jared forced his thumbs into the corners of Jensen’s mouth, forcing it open. He pressed harder and deeper into the soft palate, causing Jensen to whimper in his throat and open his mouth wider to ease the strain. With a smug smile adorning his face, Jared ordered, “Now put it in.” Jensen took a deep breath and guided the large member to his mouth. Tentatively, he took it in, careful to keep his teeth well back from the thin flesh over the blood-engorged muscle, remembering Jared’s threat. “See, with the right motivation you can do it.” Jared slid his fingers out of Jensen’s mouth, but only so he could change his grip once more, holding Jensen still while he thrust more of his length into the trapped man’s mouth. Jensen jerked, trying to pull back but unable to do so. Jared began to rock slowly in and out, enjoying the wet heat, but he soon wanted more. “Put your hands on your thighs and keep them there.” Jensen’s hands let go of Jared’s shaft and dropped to his lap listlessly. Jared crooned, “Okay, now relax Jen. Relax and just let me...” With a vicious thrust, Jared buried himself in the back of Jensen’s throat. Jensen cried out, choking on the length filling his throat, frantically relearning how to breathe. Tears spilled down his face, and his hands clenched at his thighs while his stomach rolled.

Moaning, Jared started up a steady, shallow motion. The frenzied swallowing of Jensen’s throat was one of the best things Jared had ever felt, but it was also driving him closer to orgasm faster than he would like. Reluctantly, he drew out of that perfect cavern, patting Jensen condescendingly on the cheek. “That was very good, Jenny. I almost let you bring me off that way. Knew you were born to suck cock with a mouth like that.” Jensen looked away, humiliated once more. Jared just smirked and grabbed the smaller man’s shirt, hauling him to his feet and dragging him across the room to the bed. He shoved Jensen face down onto the rumpled covers and knelt over him. Jensen was lying there stiffly, tension in every muscle. Jared slowly eased a hand up the back of Jensen’s thigh and under the short skirt. He rubbed the taut cheeks beneath it and imagined how good it was going to feel to bury himself in that body.

“J-Jared. P-please. You said...” Jensen’s voice was defeated and terrified, begging for the only mercy he could hope to receive.

“Shhh. I’m a man of my word, Jen.” He took a sachet of lube and a condom from a small pocket he had sewn into his shorts a month ago after finding himself without at a most inopportune time. He dropped them on the bed beside him and turned back to the trembling form below. This time he slid both hands up under the skirt, massaging firm flesh and pulling the crack wide. Jensen didn’t relax at all, but Jared was undeterred. With a puff of laughter, Jared murmured, “Let’s see your pom poms, Jenny.” Apparently, Jensen wasn’t amused by the joke.

Jared lifted the skirt, finally revealing to his gaze what his hands had already been telling him. Jensen had a trim ass, and was going to be as tight as hell. Jared hadn’t expected the freckles that decorated the smooth hide, but found them oddly arousing. He didn’t linger over his discovery, however, far more interested in getting himself inside Jen yesterday. Spreading Jensen’s cheeks as wide as he could, Jared revealed the tiny pucker to his greedy eyes. “Well now, will you look at that? Just a pretty as the rest of you. I bet even your cock looks good.”

“Will you just get on with it?” Jensen huffed, clearly annoyed with Jared’s assessment. “You can pretend this isn’t rape later on if you want, but don’t draw it out on my account.”

“Fine.” Jared’s voice was deceptively mild. “If you insist.” With more force than skill, Jared shoved his middle finger as far into Jensen as it could reach. Jensen’s cry was short and sharp, the pain sudden and shocking. “Maybe you’ll shut up now?” Jared taunted. “Hmmm? Are you finished spouting off?” Jared took the shuddery sob as assent and picked up the lube. He withdrew his finger, bringing another soft whimper from Jensen, and quickly poured some of the sachet’s slick contents over the abused flesh. Plunging one finger straight back in, slightly easier, Jared revelled in the choked off sounds Jensen was now trying not to make. He only gave him a few moments to adjust to the intrusion before he was starting to push a second finger in beside the first. Instinctively, Jensen tried to pull away, but Jared slapped a heavy hand on the small of his back, effectively pinning him down for the further invasion. Jensen was making small, keening protests with every millimetre gained. Jared’s fingers were large, like most things about him, and even just two was a stretch. Twisting them cruelly, he searched out that tiny spot, finding it quickly and jabbing hard into it. Jensen arched, a shocked grunt escaping him. “There you go, Jenny. That there is why your body is gonna’ betray you and you’re gonna’ come harder than you ever thought possible.”

“Why?” Jensen finally voiced the question that had been plaguing him since this began.

Jared shrugged even though Jensen couldn’t see it, and his voice was the verbal equivalent. “Because you’re prettier than any man has a right to be. Because I saw you shaking your ass on the field today. Because I’m horny. Take your pick.” If it was even possible, Jensen deflated even further into the mattress. Jared was surprised. “What? Were you expecting me to declare my long unrequited love? How sweet.”

Jensen remained silent and Jared shrugged again. He picked up the condom and looked at it thoughtfully for a moment before tossing it up near Jensen’s face, making him flinch. “I don’t think I’ll wear that. I want you to remember this. I want you to remember the feel of my come inside you, leaking out of you, sliding right down your thighs.” He picked up the lube again and poured the remainder onto himself, spreading it up and down his length with a loose fist.

Finally ready, Jared pulled his fingers out of Jensen and lined the slick head of his cock up with the barely stretched hole. With deliberate slowness, he pushed his way inside, making sure Jensen felt every tiny move. Jensen was holding his breath, but let it out with a whoosh when the head suddenly popped in all the way. “Take another breath, Jen. You’re gonna’ need it.” Without any further warning, Jared pushed firmly forward, quicker than before, with greater force, making the small hole widen obscenely around his girth. It was so damn hot and tight, Jared wasn’t sure he was going to make it all the way in before blowing his load. Jensen’s cry sounded more like an animal in pain than a human. Jared gripped Jen’s hips firmly with both hands, hard enough to bruise, and pulled Jen back as he thrust powerfully forward, finally burying himself balls deep in the sheath of Jensen’s ass. This time, Jensen’s shout was loud and guttural, torn from somewhere inside of him. Ignoring everything but the divine sensations engulfing his cock, Jared pulled back and thrust in again. He repeated the move, again and again, setting a punishing rhythm that drove groans from his unresisting conquest. He could feel the pleasure building in his spine, gathering for what promised to be an explosive climax, so he changed the angle, being sure to rub repeatedly over Jensen’s prostate. Jensen’s confused body started to respond, and Jensen wanted to cry. Despite everything, this was the worst part - that Jared was using his only body against him. Barely had he thought it, when Jared wrapped one giant hand around Jensen’s stirring erection, jerking him quick and rough to full hardness while never relenting on his brutal jabs into Jensen’s battered body.

Suddenly, it was too much. Jensen came without a sound, his teeth gritted against it and angry tears leaking from his clenched eyes. The contracting channel was the last stimulation Jared needed, following Jen over the edge with a triumphant cry, pumping his seed deep inside the other man. After only taking the time to catch his breath, Jared pulled out, causing one last pained moan, and wiped himself off on the soiled bedcovers. He pulled his shorts up and stepped back to admire his handiwork. Jensen didn’t move, clearly wrecked in every way possible. His ass was red and his hole excruciatingly raw, already starting to leak trails of sticky ejaculate. Jared could see where his handprints would mark the other man tomorrow and was pleased. Whimsically, he pulled the skirt down to cover his achievement, leaving Jensen as an obscene ode to his depravity. “Well, Jenny, thanks. It was...real.”

Jared came back from his shower to find Jensen lying exactly where he had left him and was concerned. He walked over to the bed and sat down cautiously. “Jensen? Hey, are you okay?”

“M’fine.” Jensen murmured. “S’waitin’ for the shower.”

“Oh. Good. Well, it’s free.” He waited a beat before anxiously asking, “Was that really okay? I know we talked, and you agreed, but was it...was it too much?”

Jensen rolled over with a sigh. “Jared, I swear. It was fine. I told you I didn’t mind.”

“But...” Jared reached over and ran a gentle hand across Jensen’s cheeks, wiping away the tear tracks left behind.

“I’m an actor, Jared. You know every time Sera writes a script that Dean’s gonna’ end up crying. I’m getting used to it.” Jensen gave him a tired smile.

“You’re sure..?”

“I’m sure.” Jensen hauled himself up and started for the shower, but turned around to look back at his lover. “But, seriously Jared. ‘Let’s see your pom poms’?” Jared grinned like an idiot, and Jensen shook his head in mock resignation. “You’re lucky I love you, you dork.”

Jared watched Jensen enter the bathroom and shut the door before sighing. “Yeah, I really am.”

The End

jared/jensen, nc-17, dress me up, role-pay

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