Aug 02, 2003 16:58
I got a new puppy a few days ago. A 9 week old Irish setter. My family and I got into huge debates over what to name the little guy. He had to have a proper show title for his papers then a nickname that we could call him.
My sister and I wanted the names:
Lord Lucifer Fallen Angel of Heaven
King Lucifer Arisen Angel of Hell
Sir Camelot of the Round Table
Lord Romeo of Verona (Juliet to come later)
But alas, my parents would have none of these. You should have seen their expresions when we said "Lucifer." We finally ended up with Sir Rockefeller of Cleveland (or Jackson), which leaves us to call him Rocky for short and I despise that name.
Rocky spends most of his time running in circles, jumping on the furniture, trying to naw off everyone's ankles (he's been unsuccessful thus far), putting holes in all of my favorite jeans, and scratching up everyone's arms. He's moving out of his chewing phase and into his barking and growling like a pyscho phase. He barely ever sleeps, but when he does, you can't let him sleep too long because he'll be full of hell when he wakes up.
When he's not doing the above, he's prancing after you everywhere and trying to curl up in your lap of licking your fingers. Yay, the love for my dog is immense.
Meanwhile my summer vacation ends in exactly one day. :(