Title : Attractive Mail-man
Staring : Leeteuk, Zhoumi, Kangin
Genre : fluff, crack
Type : drabble
Rating : G
Pairing : Teukmi, Kangteuk
Summary : Leeteuk never enjoyed a winter morning better until the appearance of a very attractive looking mail-man.
Prompt : Leeteuk | Zhou Mi = attractive mail-men <-- from iprompt.lolmeme.org
A/N : Lady Kirio is accepting prompts with pairings requests~ Just leave a message and I'll get to it.
A winter morning was so cold, chilling to the bone; one cool breeze greeted Leeteuk a ‘good morning’ and made the man shiver a little. Leeteuk looked outside his brick house and saw the ground covered in at least two inches of snow, it was only the beginning of winter. The road slick and had traces of ice but swept off to the side to avoid accidents.
A thin fog ghosted in front of Leeteuk when he breathed.
He looked further out, to the streets and then he spotted a guy in uniform walking from house to house. The man had a heavy looking bad hanging from his shoulder and he wore a bulky looking jacket uniform, the emblem clearly on the back; Leeteuk saw when the man turned his back to walk up to the house a few doors opposite Leeteuk’s.
A very cold Leeteuk hugged himself tightly and continued to watch.
In two minutes, the man walked up to Leeteuk’s house, he tipped his hat at Leeteuk and smiled. Then, he reached into his bag and pulled out a stack of letters from a pile that seemed very neatly arranged; sorted also. He passed the stack of letters to Leeteuk, the smile never left his face.
“Have a nice day Mr. Park.”
Leeteuk smiled from ear to ear and reread the name tag that he had been reading for the last three weeks. Though he had practically memorized the name but he pretended as if he hadn’t. He squinted his eyes a little, emphasizing on how he was ‘trying’ to read the name tag before replying.
“Same to you, Zhoumi.”
Zhoumi tipped his hat again and turned on his heels to walk to the next house. His long legs strode across the walkway and Leeteuk just watched, admiring.
“Jungsu hyung, what are doing out there in the cold, come on, let’s have hot cocoa!” a voice came from inside the house, from the kitchen and it snapped Leeteuk out of the imaginary model runway situation he imagined Zhoumi was walking on. “Yes, Youngwoon, I’m coming! The mail-man just got us our mail.” Leeteuk replied back and took one last peek at the attractive mail-man who was already next door.
“Maybe we should make some hot cocoa for the mail-men this winter, it’s so cold already but they have to work out in the cold.” Leeteuk suggested then locked the door behind him and grinned on his way to the kitchen.
“Ah, whatever you say…”