
Nov 15, 2005 15:01

Last night was an Indescribable experience....Sigur Ros was indeed the most emotional live band I've been to.
I was surrounded by people of many different cultures who spoke many different languages and it was apparent that Music really is a universal language.
So much so that a language can be made up and still appeal and move people.

I was so involved in their music (which erupted some tears of emotions that I didn't know I had) My diaphragm was heaving and the whole experience was euphoric. Jonsi's voice radiated cries from his soul along with cries from his bow... you did not need to understand Icelandic nor his made up language to get an idea of the emotional content of his songs. The collaboration of the smashing symbols, melodic organ, violins, thumping bass, and squeezed out breaths of a heart-rending calibers captivated the soul, slightly altering it to a more divine level. Reminding me of my state of mind during meditation, it is a sort of samadhi; a profound or abstract meditation.

If you do not know Sigur Ros try them out when you are thoughtful and alone, I find this the best time for their masterpiece Ageatis Byrjun. () Untitled is good for bedtime. Takk brings about a whole new earth altering vibe with motivating appeal. Von is their debut which is mysterious and makes you crave more.

A good translation of their lyrics is hard to find but I don't think its necessary anyway.

Ég Er Kominn Aftur
Inn I Þig
Það Er Svo Gott Að Vera Hér
En Stoppa Stutt Við
Eg Flýt Um I Neðarsjávar Hýði
A Hóteli Beintengdur Við Rafmagnstöfluna Og Nærist
Tjú Tjú
En Biðin Gerir Mig Leiðan - Brot Hættan Sparka Frá Mér
Og Kall A - Verð Að Fara - Hjálp
Tjú Tjú
Eg Spring Ut Og Friðurinn I Loft Upp
Baðaður Nýju Ljósi
Eg Græt Og Eg Græt - Aftengdur
Onýttur Heili Settur A Brjóst
Og Mataður Af Svefn-G-Englum Sleepwalkers

I’m Here Again
Inside You
It’s So Nice In Here
But I Can't Stay For Long
I Float Around In Liquid Hibernation
In A Hotel Nourishing On The Electricity Board
But The Wait Makes Me Uneasy - I Kick The Fragility Away
And Shout - I Have To Go - Help
I Explode Out And The Peace Is No More
Bathed In New Light
I Cry And Cry - Disconnected
An Unused Brain Put On Breasts
And Fed By Sleepwalkers
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