I have absolutely no clue what brought this dream about, but it was seriously fucked up. Picture the Utena movie, add more acid, and viola.
Dreams are strange, strange things. Just last night there was a song and dance number a la Mary Poppins, a perverted ox, and a nahaul... that was creepy. For those that don't know what a nahaul is, check out
http://www.mtv.com/onair/fear/map_estrellas/welcome.jhtml . The description of the nahaul is there.
Anyway... moving on. I was myself, but dressed as like a teenaged guy in the fifties. I think that was the time period. I had the slicked back hair and everything. I was involved in some illegal hot rod racing. The ox was my sidekick for some very strange reason. And the nahaul was my best friend. *twitches* Somehow we had t' save someone by winning the race. Before it started those dancin' penguins came out. After their song and dance (I don't remember what it was like...) the other racer and I ran them over and my nahaul friend ate them. *twitches again* He seemed t' enjoy it a lot. Then he turned on the crowd. As for the race neither of us won because the ox did something to the bridge and the other driver drove over the edge. What was left of the crowd gathered around and we all danced and sang happily about his death.
....and the the ox proceeded to molest me. The nahaul kicked his ass and threatened t' eat him... before he started to molest me.
ARG!! Why, oh WHY, can't I have normal dreams?!
Easy. That would make too much sense. *chuckles* If I have more on this dream I'll post it.