
Mar 29, 2010 11:05

Ah, weird ass dreams, I will never grow tired of you.

Alright. A few posts back I wrote of a dream [ lady-kiara.livejournal.com/11115.html] that had government spooks and Fae. Now we add people from my call center into the mix, namely one of the TLs, Scotty.

My li'l niece is staying with the Fae to be safe and live a somewhat healthy-ish life. As for me, I'm running surveillance and have managed to get myself some sort of shape-shifting powers to aid me. First the dream takes place in my call center, where I meet up with my ex roomie, Streea. She lends me her phone and I end up loosing it. I spend a good while looking for it because I'm supposed to receive an important call from Fae HQ.

The call center, instead of being the two story building I'm used to it being, is a four story and is mainly windows. People from work are surprised to see me back from an extended vacation. I really have no clue what they're talking about. TL Scotty takes me aside and asks what am I doing there, that I have more important things to do. He briefly mentioned the Fae and I realized that he was on my side. He gave me an untraceable phone and told me to get going before the other TLs, who were part of the government, apparently, found out I was back. I took the phone and headed on out.

I made it back to my grand'rents  home to find it strangely abandoned. Word from those in the forest was that it had been empty for some time now. I decide I'm going in to see what happened in there. The moment I open a door there's the sound of a helicopter and a dark laugh. Behind me is some new agent. I'll say right now he was very attractive (and the dream self thought so, too). He stood a full head and a half taller than me, dressed nicely in a pressed black suit. His skin was tanned, and he had black hair that was just a touch on the shaggy side. He even wore a fedora.

Now, much to my displeasure, he was one of the government spooks AND he had a gun trained on me. He told me that orders were to capture me alive. Pretty boy bastard with roaming eyes AND hands... Grr.... I remember distinctly that he felt me up. Dream Rotzi did NOT like that. Not that I blame her. I know I wouldn't want a gun trained on me while someone felt me up.

His plan was to march me up to the waiting helicopter. I started to go along with him, but the moment his attention slipped (thank you ass wiggle of mine) I stabbed him with an empty syringe (for some reason I had them on me) and ran. I jumped up onto the roof off the house, then did a running jump off of it. Three sets of wings snapped out and I took to the skies, soaring high on the air thermals.

:/ I ended up getting caught, though. I think someone was in another helicopter and caught me with some sort of net that they shot out. NOT FUN. I remember my dream self waking up hanging by her feet and slowly being lowered onto a table.

The new agent guy from earlier was there. "That was a good try, but you'll never be able to outrun me."

Cursed consciousness, sometimes I loathe thee. :/ I wanted to find out what happened. Maybe we'll find out a couple months down the road, seeing as the initial dream was back in January...
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