A "Rant" Brought to you Today by the Letters Wal and Mart

Jun 05, 2008 12:20

Apparently, my inability to form a coherent, intelligent thought is putting a strain on my relationships...

I would apologize, but I'm sick of apologizing! I'm not sorry that I apparently have less education than anyone else! I'm not sorry that I actually have to work to pay my way for college! I'm not sorry that the major that I'm going into has absolutely no way of ever making me money! I'm not sorry that I don't always make ends meet!

I wish that I could blame everything on everyone else! But... That's not plausible.

It's my fucking fault that I'm stuck in this dead end job! It's my fault that I simply refuse to leave it, even though it's physically draining me to the point where I feel that I'm going to have a nervous meltdown... in the middle of working a shift.

It's my fault that I want to go and punch the next person who asks about the Wii or WiiFit in the face. We aren't going to get them in anytime soon ASSHOLE! It's my fault that I want to torture, to the point that he leaves, the assistant manager over my department (apparently, though, I'm not alone in that.) I want to do the same to one of the most useless people in my department...

I wish my vacation had been longer... or more permanent. I don't want to be fired, but, right now, it's looking like the only option. I don't want to have to search for another job, and stupid financial aid refuses to help me since I make "too much". So I can't be a full-time student...

Why can't Tri-C have more classes for my major? Why can't they carry anything for my major? I don't want to go to Virginia Marti...

Why must my family continually rob me for money? I give as much as I can. I still owe a parking ticket that my sister made me get just because Cleveland can't be more obvious about their signs. I have to pay it soon, but my next paycheck isn't till next Thursday... and I have to stretch $20 till then... My car guzzles gas faster than I can down a can of Fanta... So now my family is going to be pissed 'cause I'll have to borrow from them...

Everyone seems to think that I'm made of money. My sister thinks that I am, as does my dad and mom... News flash! I'm so FUCKING not! I barely have two pennies to rub together... And if I do, they aren't currency that I can currently use.

...I just want to go away. Far away from anyone who can influence me. I'm seriously thinking of completely taking myself off the internet, even thought this is the only place I can truly "be myself" and not care what people think of me. On here I'm faceless... And that is good. That is what I want... Which does not match up with my personality...

I wish I could just pack up and go anywhere. But, I don't make enough to do that...

I will apologize once...

I am sorry that I'm so weak. It can't be helped. I just feel that no one loves me anymore...

..., walmart

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