I will now kill my computer!

Mar 05, 2008 00:50

This past weekend I have been trying to write a decent paper for my English class. It was mostly just thoughts for prompts the professor gave us, but I wanted it to be nicely written.

I finished it just before bed on Monday. I saved it, then opened it to make sure that I hadn't saved my draft.

I went to go print it out Tuesday morning. It wasn't goddamn there! I wanted to scream! Actually, I did scream. I scared the crap out of my dogs, including the deaf one. My cat simply looked at me and hissed.

I went and did everything that I could. I did a search for the title that I saved it as. I went and put in only parts of the title... Nothing. I tried to find the back-up draft saves. Nothing. NOTHING WAS THERE! It was like I hadn't written it at ALL!

I tried to write it, again. As close as I could to what I originally had it. I didn't have enough time to finish it before class. So I didn't go. I have to now turn it in by 10:30 this morning... I'm never going to be able to sleep! I still have to write a draft for my argumentative essay... DAMN IT!

To make matters worse, the weather was crappy. I wasn't able to thaw my car in time to go vote. I was planning on leaving an hour and a half early for work. Apparently, that wasn't happening. I had to heat up jug after jug of water to just get my door and windows thawed enough for me to yank the door open and barely see out the windows.

I got to work ten minutes late. I was immediately informed that the associate who was going to close with me called off... Admittedly, he hadn't been feeling well Saturday. He called off Sunday, as well. I was given fifty projects to do and yelled at by the assistant manager that is over my department. The customers were all bitchy. I guess that's what they get for going out in godawful weather. Or maybe it was the fact that they had to vote...

Yeah, guy tried to use a check and it denied it. TWICE. He snapped at the assistant manager that came to clarify that we couldn't accept the check. He left in a great huff, stating something about going to "The Cleveland Wal*Mart that just opened."

I didn't get to leave until twenty minutes after everyone else was released to go home. My car was frozen shut.

Luckily, four very nice ladies assisted me in get my car chipped out. *sigh* My poor scraper broke, too...

On a happy note, my Wada D-Boys photoset came. YEA!

wada, rant, walmart, paper, school, work, weather, car

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