I did warn you that I would color it,
kitkitsouji87. There it is! It's crappily done, I know, but... I'm only working with Photoshop 6.0 here.
I'm very pleased with how Jin turned out! He was so quickly done! Dan took forever because NO ONE has pictures of him online! I needed to know exactly what color his shoes were and such... I just went and chose, since I couldn't find anything below the waist....
I must say, I am freaking pleased with my new scanner/printer/copier-thing. Makes me want to draw more! YEA!
kitkitsouji87, would you hang out with me tomorrow night. My mom wants me to help out with a lock-in. She needs more adults. *snicker* She wanted me to ask if you wouldn't mind helping....
Huggles, everyone!
I'm going to bed now!