Do you have a cellular phone?

May 21, 2004 00:23

The answer to that question is... YES! I indeed have a cellular phone. *dances around happily* I got it on the 20th just before I went to work.

It's this cute little Audiovox, brought to me by Sprint PCS. Now, most people have been telling me that Sprint'll rob me blind, but I figured I just go with the one that actually gives me a discount. All cellular phone companies are the same anyway. They just have different covers.

AT&T = Sprint = Cingular = T-Mobile = Altell = Verizon = Nextell(except they have the walkies)

Every single company "claims" to have the best. The best service, the most add-ons, cheaper rates. That's all bull! I went and looked at every single company policy. They are the same. By the way, for the two that'll want my number, I'll post it at the group!

Work was... annoying... My CSM(customer service manager) nearly didn't let me have my last break, my lunch time was WAY early, and she didn't answer to the blinking light! Oi! They need to hire some more of them. We had two CSMs today! Only two! It was mayhem! No one to answer calls. Even the managers wouldn't come, and they are normally good about that.

All in all, I think I'm becoming dissatisfied with some of the workers. I know that most of them try their hardest, but... I don't know. It annoys me when I can't get my job done.

I'm still psyched about my trip! Less that a week and I'll be in NC! Yea! Finishing my packing tomorrow. Trying to figure out if I should take my walkies... Oh well.

7 days to Animazement! W00t!

rant, walmart, cell phone, cellular phone, animazement, sprint, phone, trip, work

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