Nov 19, 2008 22:54
I knew it was going to happen! I just didn't know when it was going to happen. I spent some time with my mom yesterday and she said she hung out with my uncle over the weekend, he told her almost a week ago (from Saturday when she saw him) that my cousin Rachel was arrested! Her charge was for theft, which was a real surprise for me. He told my mom that 8am the sheriff was pounding on the door and said he was looking for my cousin and that he had a warrant for her arrest for theft. My uncle let the sheriff in and talked with him for a little while and then my cousin came out of her room with her daughter too, you'd think she would have stayed in her room if she was so concerned with nobody finding her. Anyway they cuffed her in front of her daughter, and she was crying because well at the age of four you don't know why a guy in uniform is taking your mommy away you just know you don't want them to do it. My uncle said she spent two days in jail and then she was back out at their house. He never talked to her about what happened and well that's his fault, since she's still under his roof he as a parent has the right to at least bitch to her about the fact that she got arrested and for thievery of all things. Not to mention he doesn't talk to my cousin or my aunt, he only talks to Braeden which is really sad.
After mom told me about this she then said she was proud of me, because she never had to release me into police custody because I fucked up. It kind of took me aback I've never heard my mom actually say she was proud of me and feel like she meant it. I don't know what's worse the fact that everyone in my family who told my mom how to raise me and that she was fucking up for just about everything she did is now having trouble with their children and in an extreme way or the fact that my mom did okay regardless of what their input was.
My mom also saw my second cousin Megan at my aunt Georgetta's house a little while back and found out that she was beat by her boyfriend and not only that but he also left my cousins baby at home alone! She had to leave work because of it and because she told one of the people she worked for why they called the cops and they got there right when she did so she had to explain that she left the baby with her boyfriend or rather the baby's daddy and that she didn't know why he wasn't there and that she only knew because she called to check up on the baby. Thankfully they didn't take the baby away from her because of the jackass. But they hauled him off to jail because of child neglect and when he got out he threatened my cousin that if she called the cops on him ever again that he would kill her. She ended up leaving her apartment for a little while and stayed with her parents because he beat the shit out of her which she claims he didn't and that she got jumped by a group of girls but I would have figured she would have had scratch marks and bruises not just bruises if she got jumped by girls.
In other news I got my shirt today we might post pictures later (Travis got a shirt too) oh I also got a twitter account. yay not much I can do on there tho.