And so, the anniversary of my split with A is upon me. When I look back I feel 180 degrees better and different to last year. Today also marks another important anniversary - I have made it a whole year without self harming. Sadly the scars of my last, rather brutal attempt are still with me. They are probably invisible to the untrained eye that doesn't know where to look. But I see them. I see them and the hurt and sadness that caused them. It is a relief not to feel that way any longer but like the scars, the memories take longer to fade.
I did consider a tattoo over the scars so that when I looked at it I would be reminded of happy memories but my Dad hates tattoos and so the result would be contradictory and most likely to make me want to self harm again!
I don't really know the point of this entry. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm in a much better place and happier than I've been in a long time, but still the scars be it literal or memories, catch you unawares and you remember the past. Like the scars, memories take time to fade and I'm hoping that this anniversary is what I need to get past to finally put That part of my life behind me with no need, reminder or desire to look back.
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