Dec 12, 2012 08:31
So had a late day on Saturday and ended up missing friends so I missed Lord Alexsi. Next time! Ended up not having imbibed enough water or other such liquid and ran into trouble 2/3 of the way through court and had to sit before I fell down. Thankfully baronial court was over, and it was better to sit than fall.
Life wanders on, and stuff has been backed off of with explainations given. I need things to be right, not just "good" enough, so practice on things will happen and some other things will still happen, just not nearly so often.
knitting and spinning continue to happen, finished xmas presents of socks and scarf, personal sweater is nearly half finished. laceweight wool switched now from merino to silk. hehehe that should be fun when I ply it. Not sure if I will Navaho ply it or not. Probably not. ah well.
Gah off to work with me! hate my sinuses today. they hurt.