Dec 02, 2012 17:50
So the divorce has been filed, papers served and he has filed his answer. Now we wait. I tried, he didn't. I think he gets it now, but trying to repair the damage now is a little late. Not to mention, based on past history, even if I quit the divorce he would stop communicating again in a few months and I can't do this again. No more.
The hurt lessens with every day, but there are moments when it still rips at me and I am told this will continue to happen for a while yet.
In the meantime, I have a dress on the sewing machine for a friend's wedding since I don't have a nice dress for occasions like this. It is coming together nicely.
Yule is coming, and I am looking forward to my birthday this year, there is an evening planned with the eldest daughter, and it is possible that the youngest and another friend will be joining us. Roomie is looking forward to pouring me into bed when I get home *snort* riiiight.
Then we get the kids together on the 22nd for Yule celebration (except for son & grandson who will be on the road most likely on their way up here), so there will be a houseful that night. WOOT! House is somewhat decorated (no over the top decorating this year).
Now if I could get my back to behave I'll be happy.