Jun 22, 2010 17:03
Today's my birthday, and I hit the big 4-0 (yes, the years have been kind). I've not posted here in ages, so let's do the roundup of what's been going on in the last number of months:
* Baby Rachel is now a year old! Her birthday was June 1st. She is now able to walk a few steps here and there on her own, although she prefers "cruising" (holding onto furniture as she walks around) and crawling on the whole. She's also got a lot of teeth -- her upper canines are coming in, and she's got a few molars in the back, in addition to the front upper and lower teeth. Her favorite word to say is "Up!"
* For a while Steve & I were thinking of taking a trip up north this summer so that he, Rachel and I could attend a French & Indian War reenactment (that was Steve's big thing to do when he lived up in NJ & PA). However, we took an experimental trip to Disney World not long ago to test out how well Rachel does on road trips and...she failed. It's not quite time yet, so perhaps next year we'll do the F&I thing. Our next trip idea was to head to one of our favorite in-state locales, Destin FL. But now we're concerned about the beautiful beach getting ruined by the oil spill! I'm not sure what our Plan C is regarding the vacation.
* I continue to work as a Living History Interpreter and Volunteer Coordinator at Mission San Luis. And boy, is it hot this summer. I'm certain that it's gotten hotter sooner this year than past years. I look forward with great eagerness to the lovely Autumn temperatures.
That's about it for me! Rachel really rules the house around here -- one day, her naptimes and bedtime will not be prohibitive of our attending Music Ensemble/Dance Practice/Archery Practice/First Friday Hop/Movie Theater Releases/Etc., but we've not reached that point yet. Things are going well here at home, however. I hope that all of you are doing well out there in Internet Land!
road trips,