More Chirping About Work!

Aug 22, 2009 23:48

I've only been away from acting as a living history interpreter at Mission San Luis since mid-May (when the heat started to really get to my expectant self), but I had started to forget what fun it truly is to be out in the reconstructions onsite and talking to the visitors that come through. These last few days back "in the rig", so to speak, have been utterly delightful. And as we get into the early Fall weather, it's going to be absolutely divine out there!

That said, I have some pictures of me taken today by spunkymelos:

Spunky snapped this shot while I was talking to her, and so we have the regrettable "weird mouth position" look on my face. But I love how my dress looks, and it's a good photograph of the front room of the Spanish House these days. And hey -- notice how the jacket I'm wearing is fully laced up and you can't see the corset underneath it? A couple of weeks ago, I had to wear the jacket slightly open. But now I can lace it up flush, no trouble! I'm ridiculously pleased with myself about that.

Here's a shot of how the bedroom area of the Spanish House is looking these days. One of our volunteers made the cradle I'm looking at, and then I made the mattress and coverlet that is in/on the cradle. And it's also a good shot of me in my dress! But the interesting thing about the picture is all the odd little orbs that are hovering around in the shot. Spunky didn't see those when she was taking the picture, just when she was looking at it later. Some people say those orbs are ghosts, and quite a few people have said San Luis is haunted. So perhaps I've got some fine company when I'm out there from day-to-day.

And in other news, little Rachel gets baptized tomorrow. Go Rachel!

diet, embroidery, msl, pictures, baby, costuming, religion

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