Spring Cleaning & Poetry

Apr 09, 2007 08:59

I had a very nice Easter yesterday, and was glad to hear (through conversation with friends here in Tally-town and via reading journal posts) that many others had a good day as well. My only regret is that it rained a little in the morning here, and I wished that it had rained harder and longer. My MSL garden needs more watering!

I need to get breakfast, drop off some library books, and then start Spring Cleaning in earnest. I got very little done yesterday, really. Since Oldenfeld Ensemble is taking a break and not rehearsing this Tuesday, I can continue the cleaning then, but...today's the day I really need to make progress on ridding up my bedroom. It's been laying fallow for far too long. Wish me luck!

I realized that I've not had any female writers in my April poetry listings. It's not that I don't like lady poets; I've just been selecting individual favorite works, and most of them do happen to be written by men...anyway, let's break that trend. I was initially thinking of posting Edna St. Vincent Millay's Love Is Not Blind -- but honestly, her sonnets are all excellent, and I recommend looking at several through the link given above.

cleaning, msl, weather, holidays, friends, schedule, poetry

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