Akanishi Jin

Sep 19, 2007 11:26

I was going to upload Jin's Pinky performance on my last post of Jin, but it the net went rather error so i had to postpone it till now. Jin has totally come back to the entertainment world - full-ornate with all his original attributes! Well, at least that's what I thought when I saw the Pinky video. It's a great relief and speechless-happiness for me. He looked much more younger in this video than in Real Face Concert, due to his short hair and diet, I suppose. Soo KAKOOII! JIIN!

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Next, this is a very beautiful fanvideo made by Goma. I think it was made when Jin went to L.A. Goma must be totally in love with Jin, since this video is soo gorgeous! When I watched it for the first time, I actually cried my eyes out and went histerical because I missed Jin so much, and dying to have him back in KAT-TUN. Please Goma made more Jin fanvideos, I'll be waiting!

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Kurosawa Jin fanvideo. This video made me breathless! How could someone made a very cool fanvideo like this? I want to be able too do it too! VIVA GOMA!

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akanishi jin

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